Neurogluten: Gluten And Neurological Diseases

Gluten promotes an inflammatory condition in people with altered hypersensitivity to protein, which can cause neurological diseases to appear. What does research say about it?
Neurogluten: Gluten and neurological diseases

Gluten and neurological diseases are associated, as gluten intake in certain cases is associated with several symptoms of certain neurological diseases.  Especially in cases of celiac disease, this protein is able to damage certain areas of the cerebral cortex, which in turn causes migraines, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.

However, this nutrient is not harmful to everyone. Only those who have an altered hypersensitivity to it are susceptible to developing these diseases by eating gluten.

Gluten and epilepsy

Patients with epilepsy have altered hypersensitivity to gluten,  according to an article published in the  Journal of Neurology. However, researchers do not know exactly to what extent the disorder itself alters the conversion of protein. Or whether it is the altered metabolism that causes this neurological disease to appear.

They know for sure that it is best for patients with epilepsy to limit their intake of foods that contain this nutrient. The keto diet is actually associated with a significant reduction in the frequency of seizures.

The nervous system

Multiple sclerosis and gluten intake

Some authors also associate multiple sclerosis with gluten intake. However, studies do not yet show a clear relationship with strong evidence.

An article published in the journal  Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders  provides information on the impact of gluten intake on the development of this disease, and elaborates on a pathophysiological model. However, we need more complex studies to be able to confirm the relationship.

Inflammation, gluten and neurological diseases

In recent years, researchers have consistently recommended people remove gluten from their diet. This advice is based on the fact that in certain individuals with altered hypersensitivity  , this protein is able to induce an inflammatory condition in the intestines. This can result in dysbiosis, which is also known as damage to the intestinal flora.

Researchers know for sure that there is a connection between intestinal flora and mental health, through the intestinal-brain axis. This condition is what has led to the suspicion that protein intake may cause harm in promoting neurodegenerative diseases.

However, not everyone needs to reduce their gluten intake. In people who are able to transform it properly, this protein does not cause any obvious damage. At least there is no evidence of that.

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The danger of cutting gluten out of your diet

Elimination of gluten from the diet involves certain risks for those who do not suffer from an altered hypersensitivity. If one stops eating this protein, the body stops producing the enzymes needed to convert it. This triggers an intolerance in the medium term, making it impossible to eat it later.

For this reason  , we do not recommend reducing your gluten intake unless your doctor recommends it. At present, there is no evidence that this substance causes inflammation in healthy individuals without hypersensitivity.

Nor are there any scientific studies linking this nutrient with the occurrence or exacerbation of a disorder other than epilepsy. In this case, however, the patient benefits from the keto diet, not just from the absence of gluten in their diet.

The relationship between gluten intake and neurological diseases is not clear

Gluten is a protein that is not harmful to a large portion of the population. There is therefore no reason to reduce the intake of it. However, in people suffering from an altered hypersensitivity to this protein, gluten can promote an inflammatory condition. It can be harmful to health.

In these cases, one should limit his intake of this nutrient. Even in these cases, however, the relationship between gluten intake and the development of neurological diseases is not clear. There are controversies in the scientific literature when it comes to this topic.

The concept of neurogluten, which associates this protein with an increased risk of neurological diseases, needs more research before definitive conclusions can be drawn.

However, there is no evidence that can lead us to believe that this protein is capable of inducing an inflammatory condition in individuals without pre-existing hypersensitivity. The inflammatory properties are due to the large intake of simple sugar and trans fat.

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