The Health Benefits Of Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Numerous studies in animals and humans reveal that conjugated linoleic acid can help reduce body fat. Learn more in this article!
The health benefits of conjugated linoleic acid

Conjugated linoleic acid is  slightly modified essential fatty acid. This drug offers a number of health benefits to the body, especially when it comes to regulating appetite.

Despite this, there are  many claims about nutritional properties that have not yet been fully demonstrated. It is therefore still necessary to carry out adequate evaluation of their safety vis-à-vis consumers. Otherwise, it can lead to unwanted side effects over time.

In this article, we will take a closer look at it.

The health benefits of conjugated linoleic acid

Flaxseed oil

The interest in conjugated linoleic acid that has emerged in recent years is due to its health properties. Overall, it can  improve cardiovascular problems and also has anti-carcinogenic effects. Other health properties of this substance are the following:

  • They can modulate the immune system’s response.
  • Conjugated linoleic acid are also  antidiabetic agents.
  • They also improve bone mineralization.
  • Lastly, they can  reduce body fat.

Let’s take a closer look at the effects of conjugated linoleic acid:

Conjugated linoleic acid can prevent diabetes

In terms of their effect on diabetes, several studies performed on animals proved that conjugated linoleic acid performs an action reminiscent of certain types of medication acting against this disease.

Clinical trials in patients with type-2 diabetes taking conjugated linoleic acid also revealed that this drug leads to a significant reduction in fasting glucose, leptin, BMI and weight.

Also read: Fish oil: 5 incredible properties of omega 3

Antiadipogenic effect

Obese person is weighed by the doctor

This decrease in weight opens up the possible commercial utilization of this fatty acid as a useful product in the prevention and treatment of obesity. However, its effect on humans  shows a number of controversies. This is because no noticeable changes in body fat occurred when it was given to people without weight problems.

The effect of conjugated linoleic acid on the amount of body fat seems to be explained by a modified energy balance. It is possible that these acids decrease the intake of food, increase the burning of energy  and can even produce both phenomena at the same time.

It boosts the immune system

This is one of the most recently discovered health benefits. However, there are still  not enough studies to back it up. However, researchers observed that this drug increases certain immunoglobulins. These are the cells that recognize foreign bodies or antigens.

These results therefore gave us a glimpse of the benefits of this fatty acid in the prevention and treatment of certain food allergies.


This property is perhaps the one that has been studied most by researchers. They perform not only experimental studies on animals but also on humans.

The results obtained with regard to the prevention of breast cancer are impressive when comparing conjugated linoleic acid with other similar substances. This means that  it can be effective in helping prevent breast cancer.

Overall, the antioxidant effect, the strengthening of the immune system, the inhibition of angiogenesis and metastasis, together with the increase in apoptosis (cell death) may be the mechanism behind this anticarcinogenic effect.

Health properties of conjugated linoleic acid with respect to bone mineralization

Conjugated linoleic acid in capsules

As a last resort, there are also studies that show the possible role of this drug in the prevention of sarcopenia and osteoporosis.


Conjugated linoleic acid is a substance that provides many health benefits to the body. However, as we have mentioned before, many of its properties are still under control.

You should keep in mind that you should not use conjugated linoleic acid as a substitute for other treatments prescribed by your doctor. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor before starting any treatment. This is because misuse can lead to serious consequences.

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