When Money Is The Only Thing You Have

What good is it to have millions in the bank if you do not have loved ones to share it and enjoy it with? You have to learn to prioritize and give everything its own place
When money is all you have

There is nothing wrong with having money. It’s great to have enough to live for, and it’s cool to be able to pamper yourself. But money does not always equal happiness. In this article we will talk about when money is all you have!

Money can easily become an unhealthy obsession. Some people have nothing but their money – their lives are empty of love, friendships and togetherness.

Many dreams require money, whether it is about pursuing his hobby or traveling the world. The zeros on the bank account may eventually come before anything else.

Some people believe that money can buy happiness. Others think the exact opposite. No matter what page you are on, we ask you to think about this question for a moment.

Money and the two sides of happiness

There is much controversy about whether money can buy happiness or not. Does it make us happier to have many things, live in a fat house or come on vacation often?

Money can buy happiness – but we do not get happier the more things we own

This is the conclusion of a recent study conducted by the National Institute of Statistics in the UK. It is an intriguing conclusion that requires a little more explanation:

  • According to this study, which was conducted over several years with high-income individuals, happiness is actually associated with having been financially well-off.
  • It is important for happiness that one has enough to pay rent, food, loans and other similar necessities. On the other hand, having more houses, cars, priceless antiques, or land was not associated with happiness.

The security of money is especially relevant when we are in the midst of an economic crisis.

The peace of mind comes with the knowledge that you are “covered in” if a problem or accident should arise. That tranquility gives a greater sense of well-being. But many possessions do not bring peace or happiness in themselves.

Woman holding a squirrel

According to psychologists, money can not buy happiness

Now to the other side of the issue. Groucho Mar once said, “There are many things in life that are more important than money. But they cost so much! ”

It is true that a stable economy equals well-being and meeting the needs of one’s own and one’s family. But still, the key is – as always – balance.

According to a study published by the University of British Columbia , money cannot buy happiness for the following reasons:

  • Wealth is not necessarily equal to happiness. Rich people can easily be unhappy. Also, remember that grief is not the opposite of happiness. One can easily be unhappy without being sad all the time in the true sense of the word.
  • To understand this a little better, let’s look at a simple example. Consider a billionaire. He wakes up in the morning without too many commitments with the main goal of having fun and being distracted.
    He plans a trip, holds a party and invites a ton of people he may not even know. It will be a busy day where he does not have to think too much. And he may not want to be upset. No doubt it will be fun and he will get laughed at. But that does not mean he is happy.

People who are looking for a reason not to be sad or lonely every day are not exactly happy people.

As the University of British Columbia found out, and as psychologists also say, this is because,

Free woman - When money is the only thing

Emotional well-being does not depend on money

Money can make you eat well, be distracted, have beautiful, interesting and amazing things… But if you think it will nourish your heart, you are wrong.

  • Happiness comes when you find meaning in life and connect with yourself and those you love.
  • Love cannot be bought. The laughter of one’s child can not be bought for money. And dreams and special moments shared with a friend or partner will not work with one’s bankbook – this comes from emotions, giving and receiving, love and sincerity.

No one can deny the fact that money can change one’s life for the better.

But a long line of zeros behind a number will never be able to fill an empty soul. Nor will it bring the joy and serenity that humble individuals who own virtually nothing can exhibit on a daily basis.

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