What Can Oatmeal And Green Apples Do For Your Health?

A smoothie made from oatmeal and green apple – have you ever tried it? Many doctors and nutritionists recommend this simple drink to help you take care of your health and lose weight. They have innumerable benefits, so today we will talk about the amazing properties of these ingredients.
What can oatmeal and green apples do for your health?

Oatmeal and green apple not only help regulate body weight: they are also perfect as breakfast for the whole family! You simply must not miss this amazing opportunity! What can oatmeal and green apples do for your health? Read on here and find out!

The many benefits of oats and green apples

1. They regulate the metabolism

Oatmeal is a superfood and a great addition to your health if you eat it every day. Combining oatmeal with green apples gives you even more benefits. And do you want to know what the very best thing about this combination is? It is absolutely fantastic for regulating the metabolism.

  • By combining the fiber in oats with the pectin that is present in green apple, you can kickstart your metabolism and thus detoxify the body and burn fat.
  • Given this excellent effect on metabolism, nutritionists recommend that you drink a smoothie made with oatmeal and a single green apple every morning. It will give you a feeling of satiety,  add a healthy dose of fiber to your diet as well as speed up your metabolism.

Recommended reading for “What can oatmeal and green apples do for your health?”:

4 good recipes with oatmeal

Oatmeal and fruit

2. Ideal for people with high cholesterol

It’s just a matter of getting started with the oatmeal and the green apples! If your doctor has told you that you have high cholesterol (or LDL) levels, be sure to add oatmeal and green apples to your diet. As you know, eating healthier can in many cases lower the harmful cholesterol level without you having to resort to medication, so it is worth considering the following:

  • The fiber that is present in oats helps the body absorb more toxins and remove the bad cholesterol from the blood.
  • Green apples can perform the same functions. Thanks to apples’ content of polyphenols and pectin, they can remove bad cholesterol and balance your levels of good cholesterol (also called HDL) in the blood. This is essential for the prevention of numerous heart problems.
  • This combination will also help regulate the body’s blood pressure, thanks to the high content of potassium and the low content of sodium.

3. Great for weight loss

As we have said over and over again, oatmeal is excellent for weight loss. So here is the best way you can take advantage of its properties… Combine the oats with the green apple! You can really benefit from this simple, delicious smoothie.

  • Control your blood sugar. The combination is ideal for diabetics, and can also help regulate metabolism, which we have already mentioned.
  • The smoothie inhibits your food cravings and satisfies well, so it is perfect for breakfast. At the same time, you will avoid wanting a snack between breakfast and lunch!
  • Oatmeal and green apple trigger the production of an enzyme called lecithin in the liver. This helps the body detoxify, remove fat and clean the blood vessels. It is fantastic!
  • It also benefits your overall digestion. Thanks to the body’s slow absorption of these carbohydrates, the smoothie will not only give you a feeling of satiety, but will also facilitate the production of gastric acid, which improves the absorption of food and fights constipation. Every day, your body will be able to regulate itself even better, fight fluid retention and eliminate fat more effectively.
    Oatmeal with apples

4. An excellent source of vitamins

This smoothie, made with oatmeal and a single green apple, is the perfect way to start your day with a healthy “vitamin cocktail.” It is not only good for you, but can be enjoyed by any member of the family, including children and the elderly. Want to know more about what the smoothie contains?

  • You get a high dose of B vitamins like niacin, thiamine and riboflavin. These help rebuild the body’s tissues, for example the muscles, and convert sugar into energy to kickstart your metabolism and help the body synthesize proteins.
  • It should also be mentioned that this smoothie provides you with lots of essential amino acids in addition to a wide range of minerals such as magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and calcium. All of these are essential for the health of your body!

How to make this smoothie with oatmeal and green apple?

What do you need?

  • 2 dl water (200 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons oatmeal (60 grams)
  • 1 green apple
  • A few drops of lemon juice
  • 2 ice cubes

Preparation and how to drink it

  • This smoothie should be consumed in the morning as part of breakfast. It has a delicious taste and many remarkable benefits that will keep you going throughout the morning.
  • Start by soaking the oatmeal overnight in the 2 decilitres of water. This way, the groats will be ready for use the next morning. When you are ready, cut the green apple into four large pieces. You should leave the peel on, because this contains a lot of nutrients and fiber.
  • Put the slices of apple, oatmeal and water that you used to soak the oats in your blender. Then add a few drops of lemon juice and maybe a pinch of cinnamon if you like. Blend it all together with the ice cubes until you get a smooth liquid. You and your whole family will love it!

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