Five Slimming Ingredients You Can Use For Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, although we are on a diet. Here we give you 5 different foods that will help you lose weight while eating healthy foods.
Five slimming ingredients you can use for breakfast

Breakfast is a very important meal – it can either make or break your day. Your breakfast also has a big impact on how easily you lose weight. In fact, it can make a big difference if you use slimming ingredients for your breakfast.

When eating a balanced diet and reducing body fat, the first food eaten after a long period of fasting is very important. This way we will be able to choose our food correctly for the rest of the day.

For breakfast, we need to consume between 25 and 35 percent of the calories that are burned during the day. This means that a balanced breakfast should contain between 400 and 450 calories out of the 2000 calories that we should consume daily.

A study by researchers at the University of Missouri concluded that eating breakfast increases the hormone ghrelin. It also increases the levels of chemicals in the brain associated with appetite. This gives the feeling of feeling full, which gives the feeling of hunger and reduces delicious hunger.

It is because of this, eating a balanced breakfast can be an asset in reaching our ideal weight. It must be full of the necessary nutrients and eaten in adequate portions.

Slimming ingredients you can use in your breakfast to lose weight

A sunken and slimming breakfast should contain the following nutrients:

  • Between 10 and 15 grams of fat
  • 25 grams of fiber
  • From 13 to 20 grams of protein

Experts recommend including vitamins, minerals and specific carbohydrates. Based on this beginning, we recommend 5 important slimming foods that will help you lose weight and stay full.

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is perhaps one of the most well-known slimming ingredients for breakfast. It provides a balanced breakfast that will help you take care of your figure.

This means that you eat grain products with a low calorie content. This gives us a large amount of B vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fats, which in turn provides an important amount of energy to the body. This balances the physical and mental effort required throughout the day.

Oatmeal consists of 25% protein, an element essential for the formation of muscle mass. In addition, it contains a fiber called beta-glucan, which reduces cholesterol and satisfies the feeling of hunger.

In addition, it controls the level of sugar in the blood. Likewise, it acts as a cleanser to release toxins contained in the intestines. It also removes fat from the arteries.

2. Eggs

Eggs are versatile and one of the slimming ingredients you can consider using in your breakfast. Their composition (full of vitamins, minerals and protein) provides a high level of energy in the body. At the same time, they regulate the appetite during the day and reduce the feeling of hunger.

Also read: Get more beautiful skin with 5 face masks with eggs

Eggs are also basic when it comes to having a balanced diet. In fact, they help the body maintain muscle mass during weight loss.

Eggs and toast

This food contains a nutrient called choline, which stimulates brain activity and improves cardiovascular function. In fact, a study at the University of Eastern Finland classified eggs as one of the foods that help with memory and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

3. Coffee

Coffee offers several benefits to our brain function if consumed during the first hours of the day. The most important aspect is that it improves our memory, mood and focus.

It also contains a large amount of caffeine. Because of this, it is an important component during weight loss as it stimulates the nervous system functions which in turn stimulates the elimination of adipose tissue.

4. Green tea

Green tea is a low-calorie drink that makes it one of the good slimming ingredients for breakfast. It is especially beneficial for its antioxidant epigallotatechin gallate . This helps protect the heart, speed up the metabolism and burn fat.

An article published in the European Journal of Nutrition was about an experiment conducted by a group of nutritionists. It found that people who drink at least 2 cups of green tea a day have less body fat and a smaller waist.

Green tea

5. Dried fruit

Dried fruit is an antioxidant that contains minerals, healthy fats, protein and fiber. Because of this, it is able to control the level of cholesterol in the blood and help supply energy to the body.

Also read: How to control cholesterol and fat burning

The advantage of dried fruit is that it satisfies hunger. Nevertheless, this food has a high calorie content. So it should be consumed moderately, between 15 and 20 grams per. day.

As we can see, there are various options that we can include in our breakfast to lose weight. Remember the point of this process is to maintain a balanced diet. If in doubt, consult a doctor.

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