Risks Of Activated Charcoal For Oral Health

There are lots of videos on the net that activated charcoal magically makes teeth white. However, there are risks associated with activated charcoal for your oral health.
Risks of activated charcoal for oral health

Recently, videos and posts have emerged from various influencers talking about the supposed properties of activated carbon to help make teeth brighter. Several dentists, including the president of the Spanish Dental Council, Óscar Castro Reino, have strongly denied this information, as there are several risks with activated carbon.

Castro Reino points out that the claims that activated charcoal makes teeth white are not only false but also involve serious risks to oral health. In addition, he stresses the importance of consulting healthcare professionals instead of listening to viral posts on the Internet.

He also added that activated carbon is a very abrasive substance. Therefore, it can cause serious dental problems. He also pointed out that it is like brushing your teeth with sandpaper. The worst part though is that it does not even help to whiten your teeth.

Risks of activated carbon

Dr. Reino stated that activated carbon is a substance that you get from a chemical process with the shell of a coconut. This material is extremely aggressive. When applied to teeth, it can then degrade tooth enamel significantly.

Worn tooth enamel involves many risks. First, the nerves in the teeth become more unprotected and this causes tooth sensitivity. Activated carbon is also so aggressive that it can also reach your gums.

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The most paradoxical thing is that by rubbing activated carbon on your teeth and abrading the enamel, the remainder is a layer called dentin. In fact, dentin is more yellowish than natural enamel. In other words, not only is there a risk of activated carbon, but it does not even brighten your teeth.

Activated carbon on toothbrush

Hazards of activated carbon: What do the viral videos show?

There are lots of videos with influencers showing pictures before and after using activated carbon. You can see them applying activated charcoal on yellowish teeth. After rinsing it out, it looks like the teeth have an incredibly white color.

What really happens with these images is a very basic visual effect. With charcoal, the teeth look black. When you rinse them, the contrast of the previous image will suddenly make them look whiter. However, they have not become whiter.

For Dr. Óscar Castro, it is clear that this information is completely false. Unfortunately, it makes a strong impression on the viewers, so they think it is an effective treatment. We can see that they show misleading evidence that makes the audience believe them.

Tooth color

The expert also insisted that teeth usually do not have the white hue – the natural color of teeth is ivory. Genetic factors and the intake of other substances cause this natural color to change. For example, tea, coffee or tobacco.

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Not having ultra-white teeth does not mean that there are hygiene problems or that there is a deficiency. This is perfectly normal. Castro stressed that what is important is oral hygiene, not the misleading aesthetic effects that are dangerous.

It is best to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Also, go to the dentist regularly and follow their instructions. The dentist is the ideal professional to apply teeth whitening procedures.

Woman with partly white and partly yellow teeth

Teeth whitening does not use activated carbon

We must insist on something very important: Any treatment of your teeth must be supervised by an oral health professional. Do not listen to what influencers or non-professional websites say.

Dentists are qualified professionals. Not only can they perform teeth whitening processes, but they also assess each patient’s oral health before performing any treatment. For example, if there are gum problems, cavities or other problems, bleaching can be risky.

Teeth whitening procedures need to be planned and they also require close monitoring. That way, you do not get unwanted consequences. Similarly, patients should be aware of the possible risks of this procedure.

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