10 Signs That You Have Hypothyroidism

If you notice any of these symptoms for no apparent reason, it is a good idea to go to the doctor and get the necessary tests done to get an early hypothyroidism diagnosis.
10 signs that you have hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a disorder that affects the thyroid gland. This is due to hormones that trigger problems. Today we are talking more about 10 common signs that you have hypothyroidism.

It is especially women over 60 who have hypothyroidism. However, anyone can get it as it is due to a disorder of the  thyroid gland.

In the initial stages it can not be felt. But as it progresses, this disorder causes many problems that affect your quality of life.

It is very important to know how to identify it. This way, you can find a treatment that minimizes the negative effects on your body.

For this reason, we will review some of the causes of hypothyroidism and share 10 key symptoms with you so that you recognize them if they develop.

Find out more!

What are the causes of hypothyroidism?

Doctors feel on the woman's neck

Your thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the lower part of the neck.

Its main function is to secrete hormones such as triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), which are involved in many bodily functions.

They mainly regulate your metabolic health, maintaining a rhythm that allows your body to process fats and carbohydrates. They also control your body temperature, heart rate and protein production.

Hypothyroidism occurs when this gland does not produce enough hormones, or loses the ability to produce them at all. This may be due to the following:

  • Autoimmune diseases, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Thyroid surgery
  • Treatments for hyperthyroidism
  • Radiation therapy for head or neck cancer
  • Consumption of certain psychotic drugs
  • Iodine deficiency
  • A pituitary disorder
  • Pregnancy or after post-pregnancy

Family history of thyroid disease

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

For many patients, hypothyroidism is difficult to recognize because the symptoms develop slowly in the early stages. Nevertheless, there are several characters that are useful for its detection, although they may also indicate other conditions.

1. Sudden weight gain

Obese woman

A change in your metabolism due to the low production of thyroid hormones can trigger a sudden increase in your weight, even if you have healthy eating habits.

2. Fatigue

Hypothyroidism affects your circulation and reduces your body’s ability to supply oxygen to your cells and tissues.

As a result, it is common to be in a state of fatigue.

High cholesterol

There are many factors that can affect your cholesterol levels. Avoid ignoring that this problem may be an indicator of a thyroid problem.

4. Irritability or bad mood

Woman hanging over the table at work - has hypothyroidism

The hormonal changes produced by a dysfunctional thyroid gland can produce sudden mood swings leading to stress, depression and irritability.

5. Difficulty concentrating

Hypothyroidism has an effect on the activity of your brain and nervous system. Therefore, it is common for patients with this problem to have difficulty concentrating.

6. Dry skin, hair and nails

This disorder also affects your appearance. The changes that occur in your body are reflected in dry hair, skin and nails.

7. Slow digestion

Slow digestion or constipation can occur when your thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. This is because they regulate the digestive tract, which is the key to eliminating solid waste.

8. Muscle pain

It can be difficult to recognize muscle pain as a sign of thyroid problems.

Despite this, it is important to remember that it is sometimes due to weakened muscles due to low hormone production.

9. Irregular menstrual periods

Changing the hormone production of your thyroid gland can affect your menstrual period. You can have very long or very heavy periods.

10. Sensitivity to cold

Patients with hypothyroidism have blood circulation problems that can increase their sensitivity to cold. Their extremities may feel cold and stiff.

Do you recognize any of the symptoms mentioned here? If you think you may be suffering from this disorder, talk to your doctor and ask for the appropriate tests.

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