Causes And Remedies For Flatulence

Here are the causes and remedies for flatulence. In addition to having a cup of tea after dinner, we can also include various spices in our favorite dishes, to neutralize bloating.
Causes and means of intestinal air

Intestinal air or bloating is really annoying. It is also a sign that something in your digestive system may not be working properly, such as the way you eat, foods that are not properly digested, lack of enzymes and the influence of stress and emotions.

In this article, we will explain the various factors that can cause this problem. As well as are few simple homemade cures  for bowel air. They will help you solve this problem naturally and easily without having to take any medications.

Where does intestinal air come from?

There are a number of factors that can cause a person to suffer from flatulence or bloating after eating. Let’s go over a few of the most important:

  • Eat too fast with your mouth open or without chewing enough because it makes you swallow more air.
  • Foods that ferment in the stomach due to lack of gastric acids.
  • Foods your body cannot tolerate or absorb properly. The most common are foods that contain gluten or lactose.
  • An imbalance of intestinal flora.
  • Intake of foods that provide air in the stomach such as legumes, cabbage, onions, artichokes, etc.
  • Intake some high-fiber anti-constipation supplements, such as those containing flax, psyllium or fiber.

Plus, there are other indirect factors that can make you suffer from flatulence, such as the following:

  • Stress and emotional tension.
  • Sedentarism.

Relax with lemon balm

The first step to avoiding flatulence is to learn to eat properly, without feeling anxious and distracted by other tasks in a comfortable and quiet environment, whether you are alone or with others.

If you tend to be nervous or currently experiencing a stressful or anxious situation, or if you are eating in a place that disturbs you and you cannot avoid this fact, you should try drinking tea to feel more relaxed in during the morning or afternoon, a few hours before eating. Some of the best teas for this are lemon balm that will balance your nervous system and digestive system.

If you can not drink lemon balm as a tea, you can also try the extract or tablets.

Ginger to stimulate digestion

Ginger root is good for your health due to a number of reasons, but in this article we will focus on its ability to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice that helps us digest our food. As long as you do not suffer from gastroesophageal reflux, possibly caused by hiatal hernia. Then this mess is great to drink before meals. You can prepare it as a tea or just chew on a piece of raw ginger. You can also buy candied ginger, which combines sweet and spicy flavors, making it an excellent and healthy pre-meal snack.

Tea with orange and lime

Cook with cumin and fennel

You should also try to get used to including a few medicinal plants in your daily meals, especially aromatic spices that can help you fight bloating. The most effective of them are cumin and fennel. It is never a bad idea to use them in cooking, especially when you plan to eat legumes or vegetables that provide air in the stomach, as we explained above. These spices will give your food a different flavor, but nothing too powerful. And you can always add other flavors to give your dishes a new flavor.

Enzymes from pineapple and papaya

When eating red meat or fish as a primary part of your meal, accompanied by some vegetables or a salad, you can always end it with a fruity dessert. The best options are fresh pineapple or papaya because these tropical fruits have enzymes that help digest proteins. However, you should also avoid these fruits if your meal contains lots of flour or starch (pasta, pizza, bread, potatoes) because these enzymes can make it harder for the body to digest starchy foods.

In general, the only two fruits that you can eat with your meals are apples and pears, because the rest tend to worsen digestion. Other fruits tend to cause fermentation, which produces more intestinal air. A much healthier solution would be to eat fruit in the middle of the morning or in the middle of the afternoon.

If you shop at pharmacies or health food stores, you can also try supplements with digestive enzymes. You can take them from time to time, but do not depend too much on them. Because the best solution will always be to improve your stomach function with natural elements.

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