Natural Homemade Yogurt That Is Easy To Make

Making your own yogurt at home is the healthiest way to do it without worrying about harmful additives. Learn how in this article!
Natural homemade yogurt that is easy to make

Your gut flora loves yogurt, it tastes good, and at the same time it provides your body with nutrients. But why pay for yogurt when you can make homemade yogurt yourself at home?

There is a saying that if you want something done right, then you have to do it yourself. Do you want homemade and cheap yogurt? DIY!

Yogurt is simply fermented milk. In other words, it is made up of millions of bacteria that are transformed into lactic acid e.

If you make it at home, you can control what comes in it, especially sugar and preservatives. The idea is that it should be good for you and give you peace of mind that you are not using artificial drugs.

Many of the yogurts you see in the supermarket contain artificial dyes and flavors designed to capture our interest, but it is not very good for us.

There is nothing as satisfying as mixing your own homemade yogurt with fruit and watching the colors mix.

And it’s not hard, just calm down! You do not have to be good at cooking to be able to follow this super simple recipe.

Just follow three easy steps: S mid it all up in a bowl, stir and wait. The yoghurt practically makes itself!


Two glasses of yogurt
  • 2 liters of condensed milk
  • 100g yogurt natural, unsweetened
  • 1 tablespoon sugar (10 g)

Course of action

  • Heat the milk in a saucepan. Do not let it boil as it will change the taste of the yogurt. Keep the temperature at about 85 degrees for 10 minutes to pasteurize it.
  • You can use a thermometer to check that the milk has the right temperature.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool to about 45 degrees. If you do not have a thermometer, you can dip your little finger in the milk. It should be so hot that you can only just endure it.
  • Add the sugar and stir.
  • Add the yogurt and stir well until all is well mixed.
  • Pour it into a mold, cover with aluminum foil, and wrap in a tea towel.
  • Let the mold ferment in a warm place overnight.
  • Sift the mixture. Then stir well with a spoon.
  • Pour the mixture into a container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator.
  • Your yogurt is done!


  • The yogurt and milk must be fresh.
  • Do not let the milk get too cold before adding yogurt. The bacteria need a warm environment. On the other hand, it must not be too hot, because it will kill them.
  • Do not interrupt the process, but complete it in the time we have mentioned here.

The benefits of natural homemade yogurt

Bowl with yogurt
  • Natural homemade yogurt contains nutrients such as potassium, vitamin A, phosphorus and calcium.
  • It contains protein and probiotics.
  • You get rid of additives, preservatives and artificial flavors.
  • Yogurt is a source of calcium, so it is good for preventing osteoporosis.
  • It improves your digestion and increases your metabolism.
  • It is good for your gut flora.
  • It helps against constipation.
  • It prevents diarrhea, flatulence and abdominal pain.
  • Natural homemade yogurt is good for your skin and is just as good as a face mask.

There is more!

  • Probiotics balance your lymphocytes and your intestines. It also regulates your production of cytokines, which are responsible for controlling your cell function. It can help with allergies, especially in the summer.
  • It is a satisfying but healthy snack if you are trying to lose weight
  • Do you suffer from vaginal infections? Lactobacillus, which comes when the yogurt is fermented, prevents fungal infections.
  • Yogurt is a good snack after a workout as it gives you extra protein.
  • Smile! Lactic acid keeps the gums healthy. Yogurt natural is also sugar-free, so you do not have to worry about holes.

Are you ready to make your own yogurt? Try it today!

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