A Week Of Dieting That Really Works

For best results, it is very important to combine this diet with physical activity and drink plenty of water. The key is to stay hydrated.
A week of dieting that really works

Today, most people are either overweight or obese, which poses a major health risk that stems mainly from a sedentary lifestyle and poor eating habits. But it is not impossible to do anything about it; There are many new strategies to get rid of the extra pounds and get a healthy figure again. In this article, we give you a week of dieting that really works. 

Many people are constantly looking for alternative diets for weight loss, because even though on the one hand they do it for themselves and it makes them feel more comfortable , there is also the belief that having a healthy weight, is synonymous with having good health.

If you’re looking for an easy way to lose weight, and if none of the diets you’ve tried so far have worked for you, read on here. This diet will  help you get rid of unwanted pounds:

The “Miracle Soup” cure for weight loss in one week

The “Miracle Soup” cure was created in 1988 at Loma Linda Hospital in California. Initially, this soup was given to patients who were overweight and had a heart disease, and had to lose weight before they could have surgery. But over the years, this soup became a popular and well-known recipe among people who wanted to lose weight both quickly and safely.

This diet consists of a seven-day plan and during this, your body is in a process of detox and elimination of the toxins that adversely affect your health.  When you go through the cure, you will become healthier and have a sense of well-being that will motivate you to complete it. Your diet during the seven days will consist of vegetables, fruits, lean meats and soups.

Belly fat

The Miracle Soup” itself contains ingredients such as cabbage, which gives a feeling of satiety and helps promote your metabolism to lead to weight loss. This cure is free of flour, fat and sugar, so your body is forced to burn calories faster and use body fat as reserves to supply you with what you need during the day.

How to follow your diet in a safe way.

Before we tell you exactly how you can  lose weight in a week  (up to 5 kilos),  it is important to say that this diet should only be taken in special cases and you should under no circumstances follow it for longer than that. recommended time. Remember – this diet does not provide your body with all the nutrients it needs in the long run, so for your own health, you can only follow it for seven days.

What you should aim for, however, is that after the seven days have passed, you are ready to follow a healthier lifestyle and have a more balanced diet  , which will make you keep the desired weight so that you do not gain those kilos. on which you lost during this diet plan for rapid weight loss.

Avoid this diet and others like it if you suffer from kidney problems or diabetes. People with these conditions need a more balanced and complete diet. Also consult your doctor.

Diet to lose weight in seven days

Pineapple juice
  • Day 1.  You should eat several servings of fruit, preferably those that have a high water content, preferably watermelon, cantaloupe melon and pineapple.
  • Day 2.  Eat lots of fresh vegetables, preferably raw. Avoid beans, green peas or corn. You can also choose to eat cooked vegetables, and do not forget to increase your water intake.
  • Day 3. Mix fruits and vegetables, avoid starchy foods like potatoes and bananas.
  • Day 4.  During this day, you can consume up to eight bananas and drink up to six glasses of skim milk. It will give your body the energy it needs at this point, while reducing your urge to eat sweet things.
  • Day 5.  Eat two to three servings of lean meats during the day, and about six small tomatoes. The meat must be cooked or fried, and your tomatoes can be eaten raw or cooked. Be sure to drink plenty of water.
  • Day 6.  Eat two or three servings of lean meats, accompanied by plenty of raw or cooked  green vegetables.
  • Day 7.  Today you can consume up to three servings of brown rice, and get fruit and vegetable smoothies made without added sweeteners.

“Miracle Soup” recipe

In addition to the above foods in this diet,  you need to get as much of the following soup as you want every day when you feel hungry. It provides very few calories so you can enjoy it several times a day without any consequences.  


  • 3 white onions
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 cabbage head
  • 1 bunch celery
  • 2 carrots
  • Salt in limited quantities
  • Other spices to taste

How do you cook it?

Cut all the vegetables into small pieces and bring them to a boil in a saucepan filled with water. Cook them for 10 minutes or until the vegetables are tender and the taste is as desired.

Recipe for carrot and parsley juice

In addition to the soup we described above, we also recommend drinking carrot and parsley juice, which promotes the removal of any excess fluid. You can drink a cup of this juice every day without any complications, but it is best if you combine it with some form of physical activity.


  • 2 oranges
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)
  • 1 bunch parsley

How do you cook it?

Squeeze the oranges. Blend all ingredients until you have a smooth, homogeneous juice or send the vegetables through a juicer and mix them with water and orange juice.

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