Beverages That Increase Blood Pressure

If you want to take care of your cardiovascular health, you should avoid drinking too much of these drinks, or avoid them altogether. Although it is best to avoid them if you have high blood pressure.
Beverages that increase blood pressure

High blood pressure is a risk to your health. It can cause a lot of damage if not treated and controlled. Therefore, be careful about which drinks you drink and watch out for those that increase blood pressure.

Dangers of high blood pressure

One of the dangers of high blood pressure is that it can cause damage to the body without showing any symptoms.

That’s why they call it a silent killer. High blood pressure can lead to a reduction in your quality of life due to constant discomfort or even a heart attack.

Despite the complication of suffering from high blood pressure , there are treatments that can be combined with lifestyle changes that can help control high blood pressure.

What are the most common complications?

Arterial damage

Woman taking care of her forehead

The arteries, when in good condition, are flexible and have elasticity and strength unless blood pressure rises.

As the pressure rises, the arteries can become damaged and narrowed, affecting the cells lining internal walls, thickening and hardening them.

Fats ingested in your diet are incorporated into the bloodstream. As it passes, it accumulates in the damaged cells.

This change affects the blood flow to different parts of the body (brain, bones, heart, kidneys, etc.).


The constant flow of blood through a damaged artery can cause an increase in the thickness of the wall, causing an aneurysm.

If an aneurysm ruptures, it causes an internal bleeding that can put your life in serious danger.


A heart and a stethoscope

If you have high blood pressure, it can affect your heart because it is responsible for pumping blood around your body.

As it is more difficult for the blood to flow, high blood pressure can cause chest pain, arrhythmias or a heart attack.

Brain damage can also occur due to a transient ischemic attack, which is the brief interruption of blood to the brain.

These are just some of the serious problems that come with not controlling high blood pressure.

Which drinks increase blood pressure the most?

There are several ways to prevent and treat high blood pressure. One of them involves avoiding beverages that increase blood pressure.

Isotonic drinks

Woman drinking water

These are beverages intended for rehydration and whose composition contains a dose of sodium. Especially sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate.

Sodium is bad for people with high blood pressure. Because of this, it is best not to consume food or beverages that contain it.

Energy drinks

People who have heart disease or high blood pressure should avoid consuming energy drinks.

Several studies indicate that healthy people who consume them see an increase in blood pressure.

Energy drinks contain taurine and caffeine. Researchers believe that these drugs may be responsible for increases in blood pressure and heart rate.

All brands that promise to increase energy levels contain caffeine and taurine to a greater or lesser degree. These drugs have a great effect on blood pressure.

One way to illustrate this is that an energy drink is equivalent to drinking 2 cups of coffee.

Do not confuse energy drinks with rehydrating drinks or sports drinks. The other aims to refresh the body after physical exhaustion.

Coffee and tea

A cup of coffee

Moderate consumption of coffee or tea is usually recommended when blood pressure is low. Clearly, it is bad for people who suffer from high blood pressure.

Coffee is the drink that raises blood pressure the most. Even for people without high blood pressure, you should keep your consumption at a moderate level.


It is not yet clear why alcohol can cause an increase in blood pressure.

We do know, however, that when there is alcohol in the bloodstream, there is a disturbance in the supply of oxygen to the heart.

If it is difficult to get oxygen to your heart, it is forced to pump harder. In this way, it tries to compensate for the supply of oxygen and nutrients from other parts of the body.

As you can see, drinks that increase blood pressure are very common and can be a part of your daily diet. Because of this, it is a way to deal with high blood pressure through changes in daily life.

These changes, such as refraining from these drinks helps protect the circulatory system in people suffering from high blood pressure.

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