How To Improve Blood Circulation With Rosemary

Mixing a few rosemary leaves and other herbs in a little oil can give you a delicious dressing that can be enjoyed with bread and in salads.
How to improve blood circulation with rosemary

Rosemary is an excellent herb with many beneficial properties for both digestion and blood circulation. It provides more energy and is a natural antioxidant.

In today’s article we will explain the many benefits of rosemary, as well as different ways to prepare and consume it. It can be used in tea, essential oil, rosemary honey or as a simple spice. These are just some of the possibilities.

Rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis) has the following properties when it comes to your health:

  • It promotes better blood circulation
  • It is a powerful antioxidant
  • It improves digestion and fights bloating, gas and excessive stomach acid production
  • It reduces menstrual cramps and the accompanying symptoms (migraine, fluid retention, etc.)
  • It promotes the function of the liver and gallbladder, making it an excellent remedy for (yellowing of the skin)
  • It treats anemia thanks to its iron content.
  • It helps lower cholesterol levels
  • It can slow down degenerative diseases
  • It is useful in case of food poisoning
flowering rosemary

A tea made from rosemary leaves is one of the easiest and cheapest way to enjoy the properties of this plant.

It is best to drink rosemary after you have eaten to improve digestion.

How do you do?

  • Bring a cup of water (200 ml) to a boil. Add a teaspoon of dried rosemary leaves and simmer for three minutes.
  • Turn off the heat, cover the pan and let it simmer for another five minutes.
  • Strain the liquid. It is now ready to be drunk!

Rosemary alcohol is an ancient treatment that can be used for a nice, cooling massage that can relieve any inflammation that causes cramps or stiffness. At the same time, rosemary alcohol improves blood circulation in general (varicose veins, heaviness, orange peel, etc.).

How do you do?

  • You will need a glass container with a lid that closes completely tightly.
  • Fill it up with rosemary stalks, preferably freshly picked. The best time is when the plant is in bloom.
  • Fill the container with 96% household alcohol (can be bought in the supermarket).
  • Put the lid on and let the mixture stand for 15 days in a cool, dark place.
  • Shake it a little once a day.
  • After 15 days, strain the liquid and store it tightly sealed in a dark glass container, in a cool, dark place.
Rosemary oil

Essential oils are a cheap way to always have rosemary on hand.

Rosemary oil is very beneficial for your hair as it improves blood circulation in the scalp and prevents hair loss.

To apply it, just add a few drops of the oil to your shampoo and wash your hair normally.

If you feel like it, you can mix some coconut oil with a few drops of rosemary essential oil and use it to massage the scalp. Let it sit for 30 minutes and wash your hair as you normally would.

Rosemary honey is made by the bees taking nectar from rosemary rather than other flowers.

Raw, unprocessed honey is best consumed and should always have a thick consistency and a clear color without any impurities.

Rosemary honey combines the medicinal properties of these two products to form a very effective remedy for:

  • Remove mucus
  • Improve digestion
  • Revitalize the body in general
  • Relieve rheumatoid arthritis
  • Regulate the nervous system
  • Fight respiratory diseases
  • Boost your natural defense mechanisms
  • Seems mentally relaxing

Rosemary is a commonly used herb in Mediterranean cuisine. It is an excellent addition to Italian-inspired dishes and can be used to add flavor to bread, and the like.

You can mix fresh rosemary sprigs with olive oil and thus always have “fresh” rosemary on hand. You can also add garlic and other herbs if you like. Store the mixture in an airtight container and you will see how the oil over time acquires the unique taste.

Rosemary can be very intense, so it is best to always use it in small amounts.

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