Discover Kefir: Natural Strength For Your Immune System!

Kefir helps improve your overall health. It contains active substances such as polysaccharides that fight infection and inflammation thanks to its anti-microbial and restorative properties.
Discover kefir: Natural strength for your immune system!

Kefir has become very popular in recent years, especially among those who are trying to find the most  natural way to improve their health. This cultivated beverage helps improve the bacterial balance in your  intestines, as well as your overall digestion.

An interesting fact about kefir is that even people who are lactose intolerant can enjoy it. The reason?  First of all, lactose can cause inflammation and indigestion because it is a form of sugar derived from animals.

However, during the treatment of kefir, lactose is converted to lactic acid, which actually improves digestion. But, you should still try it yourself, to see how you are going to get it! . 

In today’s article we will invite you to discover kefir and learn a little more about this wonderful probiotic drink.  We are going to refer to studies conducted by dietitians that have been published in the journal “Nutrition Authority.” Are you ready to follow us?

But… what is kefir?

Kefir is a type of sponge

Kefir is fermented cow’s or goat’s milk, and its distinctive sour taste stems from the conversion of sugars during the fermentation process.

This reduces its lactose content, making it much easier to digest.

The fermentation process carried out under the strictest safety measures also forms yeasts and bacteria that improve the  function of your  immune system and promote healthy bacterial growth in your intestines.

Now you may be wondering… is kefir so it together like yogurt?  Not quite:

  • Kefir always has a slightly bitter taste, while yogurt is less bitter thanks to its higher content of lactose.
  • It is almost always found in liquid form, while yogurt is usually thicker and more creamy in its consistency.
  • During the fermentation process, Kefir retains only the most important nutrients from the milk and the  presence of lactose is significantly reduced.
  • Thanks to the microorganisms found in Kefir, your intestinal flora is enriched to a much greater degree than with yoghurt, and all harmful  bacteria  in your intestines that cause problems like gastroenteritis are often eliminated.

One of the best sources of probiotics you can find


When talking about probiotics, the first thing you probably think of is the classic bowl of yogurt natural.

But in fact  , kefir is one of the most powerful probiotics in the world today.  The Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences  in Spain provides us with the following information:

Kefir antibacterial and antifungal properties

Kefir is very effective against many types of bacteria, including salmonella, H. pylori, shigella and E. coli  – even certain fungi like  candida albicans . 

This is due to the active ingredients of polysaccharides, which fight  microorganisms and inflammation, and help to cure a delicious type of infection.

Kefir’s effect on your immune system

Kefir protects your intestinal mucosa from bacteria, so it is a good idea to drink this beverage, which is rich in more than 30 strains of healthy bacteria and yeast that will benefit your overall health, and most importantly, your digestion.

You can enjoy it every day with fresh fruit. You can also use it to make smoothies to strengthen your immune system.  

Nutritionists will tell you that this drink extracted from fermented milk  contains a powerful and unique probiotic known as Lactobacillus kefiri , one of the greatest defenses against harmful bacteria. 

Kefir improves bone health and fights osteoporosis

As you know,  osteoporosis is a common problem among women, a disease that causes pain and increased risk of bone fractures. 

An effective way to strengthen your bone tissue is to increase your calcium intake, but there are many people who are intolerant to cow’s milk due to its lactose content. 

Keep in mind, however, that it also has a high content of calcium, and it is rich in vitamin K2, which helps promote the metabolism of calcium.

Gradually add it to your diet to see how you get it. If you digest kefir well and it is not a nuisance, you can enjoy it on a daily basis for breakfast.

How should you consume kefir?


Where to buy it?

  • At your grocery store for dairy products or healthy items.
  • In health food stores
  • You can find it in liquid or dried form

How should you ingest it?

  • If you buy the dried kefir granules, you can take about 100 grams a day, ideally combined with a little honey.
  • Use it in your  breakfast  and combine it with fruits like papaya or cereals and oatmeal.
  • Liquid kefir can be enjoyed in small amounts (half a cup) after your main meal of the day. It will improve your digestion and  if you consume it regularly, it will help you strengthen your natural intestinal flora and immune system.

In conclusion, we will say that even though kefir has a very low lactose content thanks to the fermentation process,  it is still a milk product”, so you have to see how well you tolerate it.

Still,  it is healthy and helps you feel comfortable.

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