The Best Pacifiers For Your Baby

The use of pacifiers is a bit of a controversial topic. But if you decide to let your baby use them, then it is important to find out how to choose the best pacifiers.
The best pacifiers for your baby

If you have just had a baby or you are about to give birth, you have probably at some point thought about how to choose pacifiers. You will surely go for the ones that are available in the best quality. However, this can be difficult as there is such a wide selection. How to find the best pacifiers?

In this article, we share some great tips on how to choose the best pacifiers for your baby. It is important to stay informed and up to date so that you can give your child what is best for his or her health. 

Should babies use a pacifier?

Before purchasing a pacifier for your baby, consider whether or not your baby should use a pacifier. This is a topic that is much debated.

Pacifiers are very common in many cultures as they help to give the baby peace of mind. But there are many different opinions regarding their shape, material and even how long babies should use them.

The biggest benefit of pacifiers is their calming effect. Some even claim that these items can actually reduce the risk of cot death.

However, there are also many opinions against pacifiers. Some argue that it can affect breastfeeding in a negative way. Pacifiers are also associated with dental malformations, otitis media and an increased risk of accidents.

Mom takes pacifier from baby

General recommendations

Despite the widespread debate, there is widespread agreement on three important things regarding pacifiers:

  • Babies should not use a pacifier for the first 15 days after birth.
  • The use of a pacifier should be gradually limited after eight months.
  • The use of a pacifier should stop when the baby is one year old.

How to choose the best pacifiers for your baby

First and foremost, you need to consider various factors such as age, whether you have difficulty breastfeeding, etc. before choosing the best pacifiers for your baby.

There is some general advice in terms of shape and materials. But always keep in mind your baby’s specific needs.

Example of one of the best pacifiers on the market

1. Facon

When choosing a pacifier, consider whether it is a pacifier that will be easy to clean. Make sure there are no holes or areas that can retain moisture and promote the appearance of mold.

It is also important that the pacifier consists of only one part. This means that it must not be made of several small parts that can separate and become a choking hazard.

2. Material

The most suitable material for pacifiers is medical grade soft silicone and it should be free of bisphenol A (BPA). This drug is directly linked to various conditions such as hormonal changes and cancer.

Keep in mind that the pacifier is in a hot and humid temperature and that these factors facilitate the excretion of this compound along with other toxins. Thus, you should stay completely away from pacifiers with BPA.

It is also important to take into account the material you need to clean. For example, bacteria like latex better than silicone.

The best pacifiers on the market can be great for babies

The best pacifiers for specific needs

There are special pacifiers that facilitate breastfeeding. These objects mimic the shape of the mother’s nipple and even have a similar texture, so they adapt well to the pressure from the baby’s mouth. These pacifiers force the baby to place its tongue in the same position as when breastfeeding.

There are pacifiers that are specifically designed for premature babies – also for babies born before week 30. These items are lighter and smaller.

Lastly, there are orthodontic pacifiers on the market that promote the proper development of the baby’s oral cavity. They have the perfect shape for good growth of mouth and teeth. However, not all babies like it.

The most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a pacifier is that it should be one that your baby likes. It may be that at first they will like the shape or the beautiful colors, but that they will hate it as soon as it comes in the mouth. If you are in such a situation, just be patient.

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