What Is Micellar Water And What Is It Used For?

Many skin care products seem to include micellar water, but little is known about its benefits and uses. We will tell you more about it and explain what it is exactly for.
What is micellar water and what is it used for?

Micellar water has become quite important in skin care routines in recent years. The use of it as a cleansing product for the face has grown  and it is also a common ingredient in many skin products.

The success of this type of cosmetics lies in the effective cleansing it causes. It also leaves the skin soft and smooth, which is always great! Read on to discover more details about micellar water.

What is micellar water? ‘

Micellar water is one of the most popular products for facial care and cleansing. It is considered as a medicine for the skin as it consists of a  formula that can be bought at pharmacies and is intended for the skin.

Its formula includes mild surfactants, which generate micelles. It is a chemical form that is based on the union of molecules through their water-repellent ends.

The micelles have the function of contributing to contact between the surface of the skin and dirt. Combined with water, water-soluble impurities are thus removed.

In addition to the surfactants, this type of product also contains a number of added components such as moisturizers, astringents and emollients. These substances give micellar water other properties and that makes it one of the most perfect cosmetic products available.

Particles in water for skin care

What are the uses?

Micellar water not only leaves the skin soft, but it is also effective in removing dirt, makeup and oil. It thus helps to  cleanse pores while tightening the skin.

It is a non-alcoholic product, and according to publications in JAAD magazine, it helps promote skin hydration while reducing irritation and inflammation. That way we can keep our skin soft, supple and smooth.

The cosmetics industry usually sells these products  according to the type of skin for which they are to be used. There is micellar water for different types of skin, which can be classified as normal, dry, oily, older, combination or dehydrated.

One should not have to mention that the essential step is to discover its skin type in order to be able to choose the right micellar water. If in doubt, it is not a bad idea to go to a dermatologist to learn more about skin composition and find the perfect products for your skin.

How to use it in your daily routine

Proper hygiene and skin care is based on the use of various products on the skin in our daily routine. Ideally, a cleansing routine should be performed at least twice a day.

The first routine should be performed as the first thing in the morning to cleanse the skin from the cells that it releases at night and the oil that comes during sleep. An evening routine at the end of the day is another good opportunity to implement this type of care in order to remove makeup and dirt that has accumulated during the day.

Micellar water replaces all previous products in the skin care routine. In other words, it is a substance that is able to supplement cleansers, toners and moisturizers. It thus reduces the time that you usually spend on your skin care, to a simple, easy action.

There is currently great controversy about the extent to which micellar water should be rinsed off after use. It is advisable to rinse the face after using it, as the cleansers can cause irritation when in contact with the skin for too long, according to studies by Dermatologic Therapy.

5 benefits of daily use

Micellar water is not only useful for cleansing the face. It also has important benefits that help protect our skin. When used, we give our skin some of the following benefits:

  • Hydration:  Most micellar water contains glycerin, which helps the skin stay hydrated and not lose its water content. According to studies by the Archives of Dermatological Research, glycerol has powerful hygroscopic capabilities.
  • Removes dirt and oil:  The presence of micelles provides this property as it has the ability to attract dirt particles.
  • Effective for any skin type:  It has very low aggressive potential, which distinguishes it from other types of cleansers and soaps. In addition, there are different varieties for each skin type.
  • Cleanse the skin:  It helps to cleanse pores and since it is an emollient, it does not cause any kind of irritation in the presence of acne. In fact, a study by The Journal of Dermatology concludes that a combined application of a cleanser and moisturizer to the face is safe and effective.
  • Makeup remover:  This product is very easy to take with you and is easy to use. It is effective as a makeup remover that one can use at any time, even without running water.
Woman getting micellar water on cotton ball

The importance of micellar water in our routine

Micellar water is one of the most perfect products  when you consider its composition and properties. It provides benefits that make it valuable for the people who use it, with few side effects, and the benefits reduce routines to just a few actions.

It is one of the primary ingredients in facial hygiene due to the many options to choose from. The possibility that it is suitable for different and even conflicting skin types makes it an even more attractive product and a necessity for everyone!

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