Boxing Training At Home: Recommendations And Exercises

It is possible to try boxing training at home if you are consistent and disciplined. Today we will share a training plan and some very interesting tips to help you.
Boxing training at home: Recommendations and exercises

It is a good idea to do boxing training at home because it is a sport that never gets old. Whether you train it at competitive or amateur level, boxing is one of those disciplines that requires greater strength and endurance.

Unfortunately, it is not a cheap sport and therefore we would like to give you a plan for boxing training at home so that you can increase your performance for a low price.

Gloves, bandages, special bags, personal trainers and joining a gym can deter you from trying this sport. This is especially the case if you are a beginner and do not want to throw yourself into it without having a little experience first.

If this is you, or if you can not or do not want to go to the gym, read on! With the following boxing training routine, you can achieve the strength, endurance and agility that this discipline requires at home.

What skills should I use for boxing training at home?

Boxing is much more than two people hitting each other in a ring. Behind each boxer hides hours of endurance and strength training as well as training aimed at improving technique. This last part is very important as boxing is not just about strength. Technique is what determines who wins and who loses.

Small details such as how your legs are positioned, the angle of your strokes, your back position, the speed of your defense, and how you dominate your opponent can be to your advantage during a fight. If you want to be among the best at your level, you need to pay attention and improve your technique.

This can of course only be achieved over time and with the help of coaches with great background and experience. Although you can hone your technique on your own, the home boxing training that we focus on today is focused on your physical condition.

Roughly speaking, to be a good boxer, you need endurance, strength and intelligence. There is no magic formula, but the best professional boxers have always met these conditions. If you want to be a professional, you need discipline, perseverance, a good team and instinct.

Two men boxing

5 exercises for boxing training at home

There are many ways to complete boxing training at home. Today, it is very common for athletes to use high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This consists of short routines of 30-40 minutes, where aerobic and anaerobic exercises are combined in intervals.

It is also very common that they focus on improving the boxer’s pace, strength and endurance. Remember that victory, after all, comes from being in better shape than your opponent.

1. Chip

Skipping is one of the most complete aerobic exercises you can do. Studies have supported its effectiveness in increasing agility, endurance and speed.

These are three basic qualities in boxing. We also know that it is effective in improving balance. Due to the number of calories one burns in a short time, it is also ideal for losing weight.

If you wish, you can train based on high-intensity intervals for one minute, adding two minutes of medium-intensity. You should perform the movement with full feet, relaxed shoulders, eyes straight ahead and without moving to the side to avoid injuries (eg sprains).

Include routines of 15-20 minutes, but they can be shorter depending on the intensity. Remember to perform them in an area with plenty of space.

Abdominal cramps

It is very important for any boxer to have a strong stomach. A large part of the battles are aimed at this area, and training it ensures balance, coordination and balance.

Here is a routine of the types that you can do completely without equipment. If you want to be stronger, you can add some with extra weight. The important thing is that you focus on training all the muscles, including the oblique muscles.

Since one of the goals is to increase your endurance, you can increase the number of repetitions you do for each set. We recommend that they are between 15 and 30 and that you make them at a varying pace. While it may seem simple, the plank is one of the most complete exercises.

3. Burpees

This exercise is not usually included in routines, but you can use it in your boxing training at home. Integrating a burpees into your workout benefits you in many ways, especially to improve your overall physical shape and promote weight loss.

You should always perform this exercise at intervals so that you can increase your aerobic threshold to a maximum level. Ideally, you should do the full version, which includes an arm bend during the descent. If you feel like it, you can use a special backpack to add some weight.

4. Boxing training at home: Shadow boxing

This is one of the most popular boxing exercises at home. Many people practice it in front of a mirror or record their training to see how their movements, technique, pace and angle are.

It is basically about competing with an imaginary opponent, preferably in an area bounded by a ring. Using shadow boxing, you can practice the most commonly used punches, such as jab, hook, direct and uppercut.

There is evidence that this workout is useful for increasing the aerobic power of boxing, so you need to add it to your routine on a regular basis. Start with 5-10 minutes of training and then increase it, always trying to improve the technique.

5. Boxing cushion

In the beginning, we said that you would not need extra equipment to perform this boxing workout at home. The truth is, however, that a boxing pillow is a boxer’s best ally when it comes to improving his physical shape. If you do not want or can buy one, here are some ideas on how to make one with the materials you have at home.

There are differences between fighting with a boxing cushion and fighting with a real opponent. But it gives you a pretty good idea of ​​what it’s like to hit a body without exposing yourself to blows.

You should train for at least 30 minutes, which you then increase to 60 minutes depending on your physical fitness. Of course, you need to do it in motion so that you avoid hitting in only one direction.

To get a comprehensive workout, you should supplement the presented exercises with weightlifting, sparring training and a balanced diet in accordance with your requirements and goals.

Woman practicing boxing training at home

The benefits of boxing

There are many reasons to include boxing training at home. Basically, the benefits you get depend on your goals. It is not the same whether you do it with competitive ambitions or just for fitness and hobby.

In any case, here are 10 benefits of boxing at home:

  1. Increased strength, endurance and muscle mass.
  2. It is ideal for weight loss or weight maintenance.
  3. Boxing reduces stress and tension.
  4. It is an alternative to classic sports that can lead to monotony.
  5. Boxing improves the health of your cardiovascular system and prevents heart disease.
  6. It increases your bone density.
  7. It increases your self-esteem.
  8. Boxing improves your balance, coordination and stability.
  9. It trains your body in a holistic way.
  10. Boxing is a method of self-defense.

Always prioritize your safety when boxing at home

Of course, you need to be aware that boxing training involves several risks. The risk of getting a head injury is greater than in other sports. There may even be long-term consequences, such as concussions and headaches.

When training with an opponent, you should always wear the right protective equipment, such as a helmet, gloves and tooth protector. If possible, you should have a comprehensive medical examination of your physical condition once a year if you are boxing intensively.

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