Five Ways To Keep Psoriasis At Bay

To keep psoriasis at bay, it is important that you know what triggers it, as well as what habits you can acquire to relieve the symptoms. Today we tell you what you can do to optimize the treatment of this skin disorder.
Five ways to keep psoriasis at bay

When trying to keep psoriasis at bay, first know that it is not contagious. It cannot be transferred between people. The worst that can happen is that it can spread to other parts of your body as it develops. Therefore, the question remains:

How can you prevent the annoying and ugly psoriasis outbreaks?

This skin disease is a very common autoimmune disorder. The exact causes are unknown.

Psoriasis involves an excessive production and accumulation of skin cells. This gives rise to the appearance of red, dry, thick and scaly spots in certain areas, such as elbows, knees, scalp and even inside the eyes, among others.

Also read: How to deal with psoriasis with these natural remedies

The symptoms of psoriasis can be mild or severe, depending on the type and measures taken to treat it. Therefore, you should know what can trigger these outbreaks and how you can improve your lifestyle to make the condition more bearable.

Psoriasis Outbreaks: Why Do They Occur?

In its most common form, psoriasis manifests itself as thick, reddish skin spots that cause itching and discomfort

Psoriasis manifests itself in different ways for each person. It all depends on the type of psoriasis and the immune response of the affected person. Spot psoriasis is the most common type. It appears as thick, shiny spots with scaly skin, usually accompanied by dryness, redness, itching and sometimes even pain.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, mild cases manifest as spots that cover up to 3% of the body. In contrast, the most severe cases of this disorder can affect up to 10% of the skin.

Although its exact causes are unknown, there are two key factors that are common in most cases: genetics and the immune system. There are also certain environmental and lifestyle components that can affect the incidence or exacerbation of outbreaks. While some are difficult to avoid, others can be reconciled to reduce the risk of complications.

The most common are:

  • Infections in any part of the body
  • Cigarette consumption
  • Wounds or burns
  • Constant exposure to stressful situations
  • Dry air, either due to the weather or due to staying in a room with artificial heating
  • Consumption of large amounts of alcohol
  • Consumption of certain drugs (such as lithium or antihypertensive drugs)
  • Having a vitamin D deficiency
  • Overweight or obesity.

Tips to keep psoriasis at bay

For obvious reasons, it is best to keep psoriasis at bay, and especially to keep it from spreading to other parts of your body, in order to improve your lifestyle. This allows you to reduce the possibility of triggers and therefore supplement medical treatment.

Eat a healthy diet to keep psoriasis at bay

Woman with salad

Eating a healthy diet is one of the most important habits you need to acquire to prevent the onset of psoriasis or to aggravate the disorder. It is important for people affected by this disorder to change their eating habits.

Alcohol is a huge trigger, so you should either avoid it altogether or keep consumption to a minimum. Also reduce gluten and any other foods that may cause irritation.

Instead, increase your intake of foods rich in omega 3, vitamin D and antioxidants. Eg. vegetables, fruits and fish oil are examples of these.

However, it is best to sit down with your doctor and make a plan together. Nutritional needs vary from person to person.

2. Smoking will certainly not help keep psoriasis at bay

Tobacco is just as harmful to patients with psoriasis as alcohol. In fact, its consumption is classified as one of the main causes of the typical outbreaks of this disorder.

Therefore, if you smoke and want to improve this disorder, you should either stop or reduce tobacco consumption to a minimum. There are many strategies out there that can help you quit.

3. Protect your skin

Person comes cream on hand with psoriasis

Skin care plays a very important role in the prevention of psoriasis outbreaks. Since the disease directly affects your health, habits need to be strengthened to protect the skin from environmental factors.

Sunburn, pollution and sores aggravate your symptoms. For this reason, remember that:

  • Apply sunscreen on your skin every day. Use mild formulas that do not cause allergies.
  • Keep your skin well moisturized with a cream for sensitive skin. In addition, stay hydrated by consuming plenty of fluids throughout the day.
  • Also watch out for cuts or scratches and give them appropriate treatment for quick healing. For this purpose, 100% pure raw honey is a great remedy to use.
  • If possible, install a humidifier in your home or office, or wherever you stay most of the time. It minimizes dryness.
  • Avoid using perfumes or other harsh chemicals.
  • Finally, stay away from very hot showers.

Also read: Five natural remedies to treat psoriasis topically

4. Keep psoriasis at bay by controlling your stress

It is very common for psoriasis to get worse when you feel stressed. In addition, it is also normal to feel stressed when the symptoms of psoriasis worsen or when they do not seem to get better. However, it is important that you keep your stress under control because it has a negative impact on this disorder.

Try the following to reduce your stress:

  • Have a flexible schedule at work.
  • Dedicate time to enjoyable activities.
  • Spend time with family and friends.
  • Keep your body healthy through diet and exercise.
  • Finally, acquire a relaxation routine that includes breathing exercises. Yoga and meditation are great for this. However, there are many other methods.

5. Sleep well

Woman sleeps as part of keeping psoriasis at bay

You should sleep at least 7 to 8 hours every night, without interruption. This will perform miracles in terms of preventing your outbreaks of psoriasis.

Adherence to a proper sleep plan will strengthen your immune system, relieve stress and help you maintain your optimal weight. All of this together has a very positive effect when it comes to keeping psoriasis at bay.

However, let’s not ignore that the symptoms of psoriasis can actually lead to sleep disorders. Therefore, use simple strategies, such as wearing appropriate clothing at night. Design a comfortable environment in your bedroom and avoid the use of distracting elements while staying there, such as computers, cell phones and so on.

Keep psoriasis at bay with all of the above recommendations. In addition, you should request regular medical check-ups to evaluate the condition of your disorder and hear about other options that may be available to treat it.

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