8 Exercises To Treat Varicose Veins

Exercise is the most effective way to avoid the appearance of varicose veins. However, it is also important to maintain a healthy and balanced diet and avoid excess fat and salt.
8 exercises to treat varicose veins

Varicose veins are dilations of the veins that impede circulation. It is very common for women who work at a desk on a daily basis to suffer from it. But there are also men who may have this problem. Fortunately, specific exercises can help treat varicose veins.

Also known as the most common circulatory disease after hypertension, varicose veins are primarily caused by prolonged standing or sitting positions.

For women who wear high heels all day or sit with their legs crossed most of the day, this is a common disorder.

More importantly, if varicose veins are not treated, they can cause serious health problems. For example, as a thrombosis or ulcer.

If you suffer from varicose veins and need to get rid of them, we would like to present the 8 most recommended exercises to treat varicose veins naturally.

Exercises to treat varicose veins

Exercise is one of the most effective ways to avoid or reduce the appearance of varicose veins and successfully treat them.

Doing these exercises will help you strengthen your leg muscles and favor healthy veins. The exercises consist of simple and easy routines that you can do without the use of special equipment.

If you have many and very noticeable varicose veins, it is recommended to consult a doctor and find out what is happening.

Symptoms will be evaluated and medication will be prescribed along with a special exercise routine.

Often one suffers from cramps or spasms associated with varicose veins and the circulatory complications that come with it.

These exercises will help relieve your pain and of course get more toned and attractive legs.

1. Depress the pedals

This is a very common exercise routine used to treat varicose veins.

  • It consists of simulating that you step on the pedals of a bicycle in the air.
  • You can do this while laying in a bed or on a yoga mat.
  • Step the pedals about 30 times and repeat as many times as you want, making sure you rest between sessions.

2. Cycle

In connection with the previous point, it is recommended to use the bike. It is an excellent exercise for the whole body, especially for your legs.

  • Make it a habit to get out every day to the park or out shopping on the bike you want to exercise without knowing it.
  • You can even take your family with you. One hour of cycling will be ample.
  • If you are not a big fan of taking in the park and prefer to stay at home, you can choose to use a stationary bike, which has the same function as a normal one.

3. Ben split

You can perform these exercises while sitting on a chair, on a rug or directly on the bed.

  • First you lift and spread your legs apart, then you put them together by touching the tips of the rug together.
  • Do 20 repetitions of this exercise.
  • It will be difficult at first because it requires some strength, but over time your legs get stronger and it does not become as complicated to perform.

4. Leg rotations

  • Lie down on a yoga mat, blanket or bed and lift one leg up.
  • With your leg outstretched, make movements clockwise.
  • Do 20 rotations and repeat with the other leg, but with opposite movements.

5. Heel-toes flex

  • It is recommended to leave this exercise sitting.
  • Support your heels on the floor and lift your feet up.
  • Then relax in your feet and lift your heels.
  • Repeat 20-30 times.

6. Toes Flex

  • Lie down on your bed or on a rug on the floor and stretch your legs.
  • Flex your toes back and forth, repeating this movement 20 times per. Leg.
  • This exercise is excellent for improving venous return, in addition to toning the calf muscles.

7. Joint feet

You can do this exercise sitting or lying down, whatever is most comfortable for you.

  • Gather and separate the tip of the foot repeatedly and repeat this exercise 20 times.

8. Walk on toes

Walking on toes is an excellent way to stretch muscles and avoid spasms thanks to the pressure that this exercise exerts on the legs.

  • You can stay in the same place or walk on toes.
  • Repeat this as many times as you want and rest between each session.

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