This Is What You Should Do If You Have Been Stung By A Giant Asian Goat

A sting from an Asian giant goat hamster is only serious in a small percentage of cases. Either way, it often causes serious symptoms. The danger is that anyone who has been attacked may have an allergic reaction, so it is important to be careful.
This is what you should do if you have been stung by an Asian giant goat hamster

A sting from an Asian giant goat ham is an insect sting that must be treated with care. In most cases, it does not cause serious consequences. However, it can lead to death. Some people have actually died from this sting.

The Asian giant goat ham was first discovered in Europe in 2004. It got its name because it comes from Southeast Asia. However, it is also known as the yellow-legged goat ham. It spread to other countries on the continent and reached Europe in 2010. There have also been some recent reports of having seen it in the US.

A sting from an Asian giant goat ham involves more venom than a sting from a normal goat ham. The development of it depends on the person who was attacked. If they are allergic to these insects, the situation can be serious.

A plug from an Asian giant goat ham

A plug from an Asian giant goat ham

It is important to note that  a sting from an Asian giant goat ham only causes death in 0.08% of cases. This is a very low rate. Either way, however, it causes a more painful reaction than other types of goat ham in all the individuals who have been attacked by this species. This is because it is larger and has more venom.

The Asian giant goat ham, whose scientific name is Vespa velutina,  is an insect that can measure up to 3.5 cm. The most characteristic features are its size and black body,  which distinguishes it from the European goat ham. Unlike bees, a goat hamster can sting the person several times.

The primary risk of a sting from an Asian giant goat hamster is that  it can cause an allergic reaction in the immune system. The complexity is that in most cases it is not known whether this type of reaction will occur in the person or not. No test can induce an allergy.

Effects of the plug

The first thing a sting from an Asian giant goat ham causes is excruciating pain reminiscent of stabbing oneself on a large needle. After that, the person may experience an intense itching reminiscent of the itching that a burn causes. Thereafter, a large area of ​​skin will swell up and the person may experience pain for 24 hours on average.

One of the risks of this is that these insects attack sensitive areas, such as the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and nose. One must also keep in mind that the Asian giant goat ham releases a pheromone from its sting, which encourages the rest of the herd to attack.

If there is an allergic reaction, there is a risk of anaphylaxis between 30 and 60 minutes after being stung by an Asian giant goat. This reaction has four degrees:

  • Grade I:  There is widespread hives, itching, anxiety and discomfort.
  • Grade II:  Irritation of the mucous membranes, pressure on the chest, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness.
  • Grade III:  Problems breathing, swallowing and emitting sounds. Confusion and the feeling of dying.
  • Grade IV:  All of the above, plus low blood pressure, collapse, incontinence, bluish skin and loss of consciousness.

How to handle a sting from an Asian giant goat ham

Woman gets mosquito spray on

An Asian giant goat hamster only attacks if it feels threatened. Therefore, one should avoid approaching them at any cost. One should also not try to kill them or injure them when they appear.

It is important to be careful when exploring shrubs or places filled with stored wood. The best way to avoid problems is to prevent them.

If an Asian giant goat ham stings you, it is advised that you get a cold wrap on the affected area. It will help reduce the irritation and pain. You can also use vinegar to achieve the same effects.

If there is a lot of discomfort, it is advisable to apply a cream with corticosteroids and take oral antihistamines and also oral corticosteroids if necessary.

An  allergic reaction to the sting is an acute situation that must be treated as soon as possible. If you have previously experienced this type of allergy, go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

The same is true when one discovers a sudden reaction. Although only 3% of people have allergies, there is no certainty as to whether one belongs to that group or not.

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