The Dangers Of Wearing Very Tight Clothing On

When clothing is very tight, it does not allow normal blood circulation. This happens mainly in the legs due to wearing tight pants for several hours at a time.
The dangers of wearing very tight clothing

We know that tight clothing shows our figure and allows us to be confident in ourselves.

Nevertheless, dressing in very tight clothing presents certain health problems. In this article, we talk about our clothing and how it relates to the body.

The risk of wearing tight clothing

We might think that this problem only concerns women. But more and more men are worried about their appearance and choose to wear tight clothes.

This tight clothing can endanger our posture, blood circulation and fertility.

Some of the dangers of this habit are:


The most common problem in women tends to be vaginal infections.

This is because of the fabrics used to make pants or underwear that do not allow the skin to breathe as it should.

Bacteria and moisture at higher than normal levels cause a change in the vaginal PH value and result in an infection.

Lack of blood circulation

When clothing is very tight, it does not allow normal blood circulation. This happens mainly in the legs due to wearing tight pants for several hours at a time.

It can also be dangerous if the tight clothing is near the abdominal area. The feeling of “tingling and tingling”, the feeling of fatigue and swelling in the extremities occurs frequently.

Varicose veins

varicose veins at the knee

If we maintain the habit of wearing “tight jeans” or tight-fitting clothing for a long time, the veins will be compromised even more. As a result, the veins are unable to perform their work of pumping blood to the heart. This causes varicose veins.

In addition to this, the legs end up forming “vessel ruptures”.

Attitude problems

Some women wear smaller sizes than they should to look thinner or because they like the style.

Dresses, blouses or bras that are too small hurt the back and affect the spine. They can also cause incorrect positioning of the shoulders, neck and head.

Bad digestion

If you wear really tight clothing, you will probably feel uncomfortable after eating. After all, we often button one or two buttons up in our pants so we don’t “burst” the seams!

In addition to remembering not to eat too much food, choose looser clothes so that your digestion is not affected.

Remember that when you eat, your stomach expands and requires more space. If not, you may suffer from indigestion, reflux or nausea.

Difficulty breathing

If the clothing is too tight, the chest, lungs and membrane are strongly affected. This is because they can not expand as they should be able to.

When the respiratory system is not functioning properly, the body cannot eliminate carbon dioxide and the cells age early.

Because of this, you should not wear tight bras, blouses or t-shirts that press against your torso.

Orange peel

Orange peel

Although tight clothing does not directly cause “orange” skin, it is true that this habit can aggravate the problem significantly.

The accumulation of fat in the large tissue of your buttocks and legs is what forms orange peel. When the skin does not have room to move to feel good, it cannot eliminate toxins.

If you suffer from orange peel, pay attention to the pants you are wearing.

Nerve problems

Skinny jeans can cause a syndrome known as meralgia paraesthetica, which causes intense “tingling and tingling” in the legs and extreme sensitivity in this area. This happens mainly in the buttocks and muscles.

Be careful if you spend many hours in the same pair of tight pants.

Muscle pain

Clothes can restrict our freedom to make certain movements, and they can make us feel uncomfortable.

We can walk like robots or have poor posture that can cause us to get muscle pain later on. They can also cause tension or heavy sensations in different parts of our body.


We often blame heavy meals when we suffer from constipation, but that is not the only cause.

The clothes you are wearing make the situation worse. When the pants or skirt are too tight, the intestines can not do their job. This causes flatulence or constipation.

Fluid retention

Person with hands down around the foot

Excessively tight clothing causes swelling of the calves and legs because the lymphatic system cannot function properly.

Fluid retention is due not only to consuming too much salt or that we do not drink enough water, but also to the tight pants that people wear.

Tips to avoid wearing very tight clothing

Now that you know the consequences of wearing clothes that are too tight, it is time to look after your closets and avoid causing these health problems.

Here are some tips:

  • If you like to wear pants, choose leggings. They are light and do not squeeze the legs so much.
  • Buy clothes that suit you and do not choose from the size instructions. Many times it is better not to look at the size at all.
  • When buying underwear, choose cotton underwear so that these areas can sweat without causing infections.
  • If you have to spend many hours on the same thing (for example in your work), choose fabrics that are comfortable and not too tight. Your day will be a lot more fun.

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