Three Recipes With Avocado For The Care Of Your Health

In addition to its characteristic taste, this tropical fruit contains many healthy nutrients. In this article, you can discover three delicious recipes with avocado so you can enjoy it in different ways.
Three recipes with avocado for the care of your health

Avocado is a fruit that is rich in vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, protein and fiber. Since they are very rich in nutrients, it is important to know different recipes with avocado so that you can include it in your daily menus to take care of your health. Do you know how to prepare different recipes with avocado?

In this article, we share three recipes with avocado that will help you take care of yourself while enjoying the taste of the avocado. These include a green cleansing smoothie, a fantastic milk-free avocado-lemon ice cream and a very nutritious creamy chocolate dessert.

Three recipes with avocado for the care of your health

1. Green smoothie

To make this smoothie taste even better, you can add your favorite fruits

Green smoothies are the big thing these days. It is a simple and convenient way to consume fruits and vegetables, at any time of the day. Even though it is green, do not worry about how this smoothie tastes, because the fruits you add give it a delicious touch.

Also read: 6 amazing natural properties avocado has

Try these green smoothies with seasonal fruit. Avocado gives it the creaminess and consistency it needs while multiplying its nutrients. This is why it is the perfect option as breakfast or snack.


  • ½ avocado
  • 1 ripe banana
  • A handful of fresh spinach
  • 1 sprig of celery
  • 250 ml oat, rice or almond drink
  • 1 tablespoon honey (20 g)


  • To make this green smoothie, rinse the spinach and celery and finely chop it.
  • Then put all the ingredients in the blender and blend for at least a minute.
  • The texture should be creamy and without lumps.
  • If you want it more liquid, you can add some more vegetable drink or water.
  • You can replace bananas with other fruits, such as strawberries, blueberries and pears, among others.

2. Avocado and lemon juice

This fruit contains healthy fats so it can be the perfect substitute for heavy cream

This recipe allows you to make very creamy ice cream without dairy products. Do not be afraid of the taste, because the lemon masks the taste of the avocado a little.


  • 3 ripe avocados
  • 250 ml cream or coconut milk or liquid oatmeal
  • The juice from 4 lemons (100 ml)
  • 160 g brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla extract (20 ml)


  • First squeeze four lemons.
  • Then mix the juice with the ripe peeled avocados, brown sugar, cream and vanilla extract.
  • Then whisk all the ingredients until well blended. At this point, you can taste the ice cream and decide if it is sweet enough (if not, add more sugar) or sour enough (if not, add more lemon).
  • Then put the mixture in a closed container in the freezer. After half an hour, open it and mix the cream again. Repeat twice more, at 30 minute intervals.
  • After that time, it should be frozen for three hours.
  • Finally, serve and garnish with lemon zest, chocolate buttons or nuts.

Creamy avocado and chocolate dessert

This creamy avocado and chocolate dessert is an avocado recipe that will surprise and delight your family

Finally, we have a recipe that is very easy to prepare and that looks like a custard-like yogurt, but without dairy products, sugars or additives. With avocado you can make a creamy dessert that will surprise your whole family.

Also read: Your cholesterol level if you eat avocado every day

In this case, we suggest combining it with cocoa powder. In this way, you multiply the energy and health value of this dessert. And probably no one will notice that this delicious dessert includes this fruit.


  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 4 tablespoons cocoa powder (56 g)
  • 4 tablespoons coconut oil (60 g)
  • 1 teaspoon crushed cinnamon (15 g)
  • 3 tablespoons honey (60 g)


  • The first step is to peel the avocado and cut the meat into smaller pieces.
  • Then mix the mass with the remaining ingredients: Cocoa, coconut oil, cinnamon and honey.
  • Whip it all.
  • Store this mixture in individual containers and decorate them with a little cinnamon or with a cookie on top.
  • Then place the containers in the refrigerator and let them cool for at least an hour.

Enjoy these recipes with avocado

We hope you enjoyed these three amazing avocado recipes that will help you take care of your health while enjoying the taste of this tropical fruit. Try them and prepare them for your whole family.

We are sure you will enjoy them!

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