Tone Your Problem Areas: Buttocks, Hips And Thighs

If you want to tone down your problem areas, it is important to follow a balanced diet plan and exercise daily. You get the best results if you combine aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise.
Tone your problem areas: Buttocks, hips and thighs

Many people have difficulty toning their buttocks, hips and thighs. It is one of the hardest places to lose weight and it is also one of the places that women want to look good. Learn to tone down your problem areas here in the article.

Why is it so hard to tone down your problem areas?

Squats to tone women's problem areas

Women tend to put on, on the buttocks, hips and thighs. This is also where it’s hardest to lose weight. But why? It turns out that this part of the body is strongly affected by hormones and blood flow. At the same time, the fat stored there is more stable and therefore less harmful, and harder to get rid of.

If you have a pear-shaped body, it is called ‘gynoid obesity’. This type of obesity is associated with hormonal imbalance and poor blood flow, as well as genetics and unhealthy eating habits.

Healthy diet and exercise

It is not easy to follow a slimming diet plan, but it is clearly the best solution if you want to tackle your body’s problem areas. Such a plan should include healthy nutrition and an appropriate exercise routine. A diet is not enough to combat your problem areas. You also need to exercise. It is best to include both aerobic and anaerobic exercise to tone your problem areas.

1. Aerobic training

Aerobic training includes low and medium intensity exercises, which involve the burning of carbohydrates over long training sessions. Examples of aerobic exercise are:

  • race
  • Swimming
  • Biking
  • Climbing

Aerobic exercise is good for burning fat and improving your cardiovascular health, preventing disease.

2. Anaerobic training

Weightlifting for anaerobic training

Anaerobic training includes short, high-intensity exercises such as:

  • Weightlifting
  • Abdominal muscle exercises
  • Sprint
  • Spinning

The best thing you can do is train in both ways. For example, you can go for a walk or cycle every day (low intensity) and run or spin three times a week (medium to high intensity).

It is also a good idea to change your exercise routine every four weeks. This is how you make sure that your muscles do not get used to certain exercises, so they will always get the maximum benefit from the exercise. This is how you also get better results out of your training.

3. Effective diets that tackle your problem areas

Quinoa helps tone the buttocks, thighs and hips

The diet plan should be as detailed as an exercise routine. If you want to get rid of ‘stubborn fat’, then you can consider the following advice.

It is important to eat enough protein. Make sure your protein sources also contain high amounts of the right amino acids. The most recommended protein sources are:

  • Turkey
  • Tun
  • Buttermilk
  • Egg
  • Fish
  • Legumes
  • Dried fruit

Avoid eating too much salt, because salt causes fluid retention, especially in your problem areas. You do not need to avoid carbohydrates, but be careful not to eat too many white, fast carbs. Examples of good carbohydrates include: Potatoes, oatmeal, quinoa and wholemeal bread. All of these are also excellent sources of energy.

Remember to drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day. Avoid all unhealthy snacks such as chips, milk chocolate and sweets. You can satisfy your delicious hunger by eating fruit instead, such as berries or dried fruit. Also remember that the most effective remedy for delicious hunger is fiber. Therefore, try to eat the recommended amount of 10 grams of fiber a day.

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