Drinking Too Little Water Has Serious Consequences

The amount of water you need to drink depends on factors such as your age, level of physical activity, weather and health.
Drinking too little water has serious consequences

Drinking too little water can cause imbalances in your metabolism and trigger other health problems. You should drink at least between six to eight glasses a day.

Your vital organs like your brain, liver and heart are mostly made up of water. In fact, water is essential for your bones and even the spaces between your cells. Therefore, drinking too little water can lead to health problems.

Drinking too little water can damage everything from your skin to your organs. Find out why you should avoid doing it and find the motivation to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

The consequences of drinking too little water

1. Dehydrated skin is a consequence of drinking too little water

Along with moisturizing creams and other natural treatments, drinking enough water is the best solution to keep your skin hydrated.

The elasticity of your skin depends on having adequate fluid balance: You need to drink as much or more water than you lose.

To find out if your skin is dehydrated, try the following test:

  • Gently pinch an area on your skin and see how long it takes to return to normal.
  • If you are dehydrated, your skin will return to its original shape very slowly. Otherwise, it will bounce back right away.

You can also test the temperature of your skin, especially on your face. Typically, the body needs plenty of water to maintain an ideal temperature.

So if your skin is warmer than normal, you may need to increase your water intake.

2. Constipation may be a sign that you are drinking too little water

Woman suffers from constipation due to drinking too little water

Constipation makes it difficult to get normal bowel movements. One of the main reasons is to drink too little water.

When the intestines form feces, the colon removes a lot of water to solidify waste.

When there is not enough water, it makes it harder to remove solid stools and can cause abdominal pain.

One problem that is directly related to constipation is hemorrhoids. They are caused by the efforts of your intestines to remove very solid or dry stools.

3. Drinking too little water leads to muscle cramps

Muscle cramps are typically associated with physical activity. But they can be related to any other situation where your body is low on water.

What typically happens is that – in the presence of insufficient fluid levels in the body – you end up with an imbalance in your supply of electrolytes and minerals.

These components are essential for the proper functioning of your muscles.

Therefore, it is a good idea to stay hydrated when doing sports or exercise. As a result, you lose water and minerals through your sweat.

Drinking too little water affects your daily life and can cause fatigue

Drinking too little water directly affects your daily life and can cause fatigue. When you do not have enough fluids, the cells slow down their activities and generate less energy.

People who suffer from dehydration are often tired and sleepy for this reason. Fortunately, the effects of fatigue can be combated if you start drinking water.

It is also a good idea to eat fruits and vegetables that contain plenty of water, to increase the amount of fluid in your body.

In addition to giving you vitamins, fruits like watermelon and citrus fruits contain natural sugars that increase your energy levels.

5. Dry mouth is often associated with oral hygiene and proper digestion

The best advice when you have a dry mouth is to drink water immediately.

Symptoms of dry mouth:

  • A sticky or dry feeling
  • Thick saliva
  • Pain or a burning sensation in the mouth or on the tongue
  • Cracks in the lips or in the sides of the mouth
  • Dry and coarse tongue
  • Difficulty chewing, tasting or swallowing food

6. Migraines are associated with dehydration that causes the blood vessels to dilate

Woman has migraine

Most of the time, migraines are associated with dehydration. When you do not drink enough water, it causes the blood vessels to dilate, causing severe headaches.

  • Remember that dehydration does not only occur on days with high temperatures.
  • As long as you drink enough water, you maintain an appropriate balance. As such, you will have less chance of getting migraines.

7. Drinking too little water leads to high blood pressure

If you drink too little water, the blood volume in your blood vessels decreases when they should ideally be full.

To keep your organs functioning properly during dehydration, your body releases a histamine hormone.

As a result, your veins and arteries constrict, leading to an increase in your blood pressure.

In addition, drinking plenty of water can improve your metabolism, reduce the buildup of toxins and other harmful substances that can cause high blood pressure.

8. Kidney problems can be caused by not drinking enough water

Man has back pain

Drinking plenty of water stimulates proper kidney function. Your kidneys are responsible for removing toxins, urea and salt from your body.

When your kidneys are unable to perform this important function, certain health problems such as kidney stones appear.

Keeping your kidneys healthy contributes to your body’s metabolic balance, and helps prevent ailments and chronic disease.

9. Drinking enough water increases your metabolism, causing you to lose weight

Sometimes the symptoms of hunger can be confused with thirst. This is why some people eat food when their body really wants fluids.

This is an important factor to keep in mind when looking at your health and your weight. You should also know that water increases your metabolism, which increases the number of calories you burn.

Most diets typically require several glasses of water a day for these reasons. Another thing to keep in mind is that you need to drink plain water. They should not contain additional artificial sugars or flavors.

Too little water is one of the causes of joint pain

If you have ever felt occasional pain in your joints, it is very likely that you are not drinking enough water.

  • Your cartilage, which helps limit the friction inside your joints, is made up of 70% water.
  • Therefore, it is important to drink plenty of fluids so that your cartilage can maintain its proper shape, allowing for movement between the bones.

The amount of water you need to drink depends on factors such as your age, level of physical activity, weather and health.

In conclusion, you should increase your water intake to stay healthy. Otherwise, drinking too little water can affect many of your vital organs.

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