Get Tight Eyelids With These 5 Natural Ingredients

Lack of care or excessive consumption of harmful substances can aggravate your skin at an early age. Precisely a deterioration of the skin around the eyes causes drooping eyelids.
Get tight eyelids with these 5 natural ingredients

Drooping eyelids are the result of poorly maintained skin, which in itself has caused your eyelids to lose their elasticity. Many people dream of getting tight eyelids.

Although it is normal for most people, in that they naturally lose their firmness over time, it sometimes also develops into early wrinkles due to the damage that the area around the eyelid suffers. This may be due to:

  • Direct sun exposure
  • Toxins
  • Lack of care during  beauty routines

These are just a few of the reasons why your eyelids may look old and sagging.

Excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption along with genetic factors can also change your eyelids over time.

People with drooping eyelids tend to look for many different ways to hide them away, obviously because they are considered ugly. There are several surgical procedures that correct this problem, especially when one’s vision begins to be compromised.

However, these surgeries are not cheap and not everyone can afford them. On the other hand, surgery is also not recommended unless the situation requires it.

More information on getting tight eyelids

Bags under the eyes

Drooping eyelids make people look older, and as mentioned above, it can even impair their vision. Some statistics show that it was one of the five most important  cosmetic problems  that motivated people to have surgery in 2016.

This is a very negative thing because many people cannot take anesthesia. Before resorting to cosmetic surgery as a solution to this problem, you might want to first try some natural alternatives as they can actually deliver amazing results.

In this article, we discuss some  natural remedies that have properties that can help you tighten loose tissue and give you an excess of nutrients that will ultimately help you prevent premature aging.

Natural medicine to get tight eyelids

It is always better to offer your body solutions with natural ingredients and products that do not cause any adverse effects.

  1. Apple and honey

    Apple and honey

Due to the fact that it contains a significant amount of antioxidants,  water  and natural fibers, this apple and honey mask is an effective remedy for lost firmness around the eyelids.

If you use it regularly, it will reduce bags under the eyes and prevent loose skin as well as minimize your early wrinkles.

In ingredients

  • 1 apple
  • 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)


  • Cut the apple into pieces and mix well to form a thick puree.
  • After the apples have the desired texture, mix the mass with the honey. The mass is finished.
  • Rub the mask on your eyelids and let it stand for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water. Apply this mask at least 3 times a week.
  1. Tea bags

It is strongly recommended that you use chamomile tea bags as they contain anti-inflammatory agents that are particularly suitable for the treatment of this particular problem.


  • 2 chamomile tea bags


  • Put the chamomile bags in the freezer and let them cool overnight.
  • The next morning, take them out and put them on your eyelids for 20 minutes.
  1. Oats, honey and eggs


The ingredients that you combine in this stronger treatment contain vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. These all help you repair loose skin. When you use this remedy, it will reduce the loss of elastin in the eyelids and thus it will give your skin a rejuvenating effect.


  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons honey (50 g)
  • 1 egg yolk


  • In a bowl, stir oatmeal with honey and  egg yolk.
  • Rub the treatment on your eyelids and, if you want, apply what is left and the rest of your face.
  • Let the mask stand for 30 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.
  • Repeat 2 or 3 times a week.
  1. Chamomile and cucumber

The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile and cucumber are combined in this natural tonic that reduces drooping eyelids and fights loose skin and dark circles under the eyes.


  • 2 tablespoons chamomile flowers (30 g)
  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • Cucumber


  • Pour the chamomile flowers into a cup of boiling water and let it stand until it has cooled.
  • When you are ready, take out flowers and mix the tea together with half a cucumber which is cut into slices.
  • Leave your mass in the fridge for 2 to 3 hours.
  • Now apply the cucumber on your eyelids and around your eyes.
  • Let this stand for 30 minutes and then rinse your face with cold water.
  • Repeat twice a day, preferably in the morning and before bedtime.
  1. Homemade Aloe Vera cream

    Aloe vera - tight eye layer

Aloe vera has amazing properties that especially help keep your skin moist. In combination with other natural ingredients, this cream is a great help when you want to restore firmness and get tight eyelids.


  • 2 tablespoons oats (30 g)
  • 4 tablespoons plain yogurt (80 g)
  • 4 dining rooms of aloe vera gel (60 g)
  • 5 peeled cucumber slices


  • Blend all these ingredients in a blender.
  • Apply the subsequent cream paste on your eyelids and let it stand for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water after the specified time.

Remember to be disciplined if you want tight eyelids. Do not forget that it takes patience to tighten your eyelids.

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