6 Techniques To Achieve A Better Posture

Poor working postures can have very negative consequences for your spine. We will show you how to achieve a better attitude.
6 techniques to achieve a better posture

 When you spend many hours every day in front of the computer, your spine is never properly stretched out. A better posture is extremely important for your overall health  and to avoid back pain, which is unfortunately all too common today.

In today’s article, we will share some of the best techniques for achieving a better posture.

What affects the position of your spine?

poor posture

Everything. Your  spine  is your most important support and it is important to take care of it. Poor working postures can lead to serious and even irreparable injuries such as herniated discs and chronic fatigue.

Women often suffer from hip dislocation. When we rest, we often lean our entire body weight on both our legs. High heels or heavy shoulder bags can aggravate the problem.

More and more people today have a bad posture due to the amount of sedentary work. Most sit down all day, are too fat and are too physically inactive.

When you tilt your head down to send a message or check email and social media, it causes your spine to bend and your body to lean forward.  Did you know that it is one of the most common causes of neck pain?

What does the ideal working position look like?

Some people only focus on how they hold their back and shoulders while exercising or lifting weights. But you should always pay attention to your posture : Whether you are at the grocery store, in the subway or watching TV at home.

Here are some typical situations where you usually do not pay attention to your posture:

When you sit

Poor posture

Your soles should be flat on the floor, your back straight and your shoulders down and back. Laying your legs on top of each other  can slow down your blood circulation and lead to swelling and fatigue.

When you get up

Your knees should be slightly bent and your abdominal muscles loose so you can breathe. This causes your weight to be distributed between your legs and chest.

When you leave

Your neck and head should be kept upright – do not look down as it can cause neck pain.

When you sleep

Woman sleeping

The best sleeping position is on the side with your knee bent.  This helps keep the back straight. In addition, you need a high quality mattress and pillows (it is also important to change them once in a while).

When you drive

Better posture benefits both your body and your safety in traffic. When you straighten up, there is less chance that you will be injured in the event of an accident. To achieve this, do not lean back against the seat or keep your head on the headrest. Adjust the seat so you can reach the pedals without having to lean forward.

How can you achieve a better posture?

There are several techniques that can help you keep your back straight at any time of the day.  At first, it can be a little hard to remember to “sit right up.” Your muscles  may even get sore because they are not used to this better posture. However, the benefits will outweigh the initial discomfort. Some effective options are:

Imagine that there is a rope that holds you up

This metaphor is often used in yoga and pilates. Imagine that there is a rope stuck in the top of your head, which lifts you up to the ceiling.

Put tape on the back

You should ask a friend for help with this exercise. Put an X on your back with masking tape from the right shoulder to the left hip, across the lumbar region and then from your right hip up to the left shoulder.  It will help you maintain your posture. It is important that you hold your shoulders back when putting the tape on.

Balance a book upside down

This technique was used for years to teach young girls how to walk. The idea is that you keep your head and neck straight, and not look down. Dull, drooping shoulders are also avoided.

Pay attention to your putts

Woman stretching out

Posture is not something that only affects the back – it is a part of your whole body. Your legs support your entire weight and the calves make the greatest effort.

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, and lean forward to touch your toes. This is a great stretch for your shoulders and neck,  while at the same time stretching your calf muscles.

Take breaks

If you spend all day at work and sit at a desk, try to get up from time to time and walk around. Walk a few laps around your desk, move your arms, and roll with your shoulders and hips. When sitting down, keep your back straight and your shoulders relaxed.

Look in the mirror

A good way to know if you are maintaining a good posture is by looking at yourself. Look in a mirror, sit up straight, and see what you look like. This will help you to be sure you are doing the right thing. 

Start today, get a better posture!

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