Fight Insects At Home Without Toxic Chemicals

Herbs are the easiest and most effective way to ward off insects. All you need are several pots with different varieties in them which will also make your home smell wonderful.
Fight insects at home without toxic chemicals

You probably remember when you were younger how your grandmother or mother would use natural insecticides in the house. While some are supporters of the chemical products, others prefer to “scare” these insects and mosquitoes away, with plants and other natural products found in the kitchen cupboard. In today’s article we will tell you how to repel insects in your home without using anything toxic.

General aids to repel insects

These natural techniques aim to ward off a variety of insect species without the use of chemicals that can be harmful to your health or your family. In addition, they will fill your house with delicious aromas. The best options are:

Pyrethrum or chrysanthemum

This plant is used to repel ants, cicadas, mites and aphids. It is found around orchards and fields where farmers try to keep these pests from consuming their crops.

You can use pyrethrin as a natural repellent in your garden.

Santa maria

This is used for mosquitoes and flies. To increase its effects, we recommend that you mix it with lavender and citronella. Plant it at the entrance to your home, especially near doors and windows.

You can also grow it indoors.



Basil can be fresh or dried. It repels mosquitoes and flies, while it has a delicious aroma to have in the kitchen.

And as a bonus, you can use the leaves of this plant in a variety of recipes!


This strong-smelling flower is an arch-enemy of mosquitoes, flies, fleas and moths. If you do not have any lavender at home, just buy a lot and hang on your head until they dry, where they will continue to scare insects.

You can always plant it in your garden (it needs a sunny area).


This is a well-known herb thanks to its action against mosquitoes and flies. Citronella can also be used in cooking and has an exquisite aroma. Plant it in any area that has plenty of sunshine, or take a bouquet home with you.



As long as you have this in a sunny place, it will repel all kinds of insects. If you want to avoid being stung by mosquitoes, you can cut some of the leaves of a thyme plant and rub on your arms and neck.

Test the area first, to make sure it does not cause irritation or redness.


Rosemary is used to get rid of mosquitoes naturally. You can put a twig in the kitchen or dry it and put it on the table when eating outside. Another good idea is to crush a handful of rosemary and rub it on your skin.

Natural ways to get rid of cockroaches

You can remove insects from your home without the use of harsh chemicals

Without a doubt, these are some of the most hated insects on the planet. They emerge in the corners, lurk in your kitchen and there are even certain species that have the ability to fly.

Considering that some studies have concluded that cockroaches can survive a nuclear explosion, you might think there is no way to stop them. But you will be glad to know that is not the case.

Boric acid is the best solution to this problem. It is easy to get hold of and afford.

This product also helps remove ants. You can find it at the pharmacy and at the grocery store. Use it sparingly and in selected areas, especially if you have children and pets.

Take half a cup of water (100 ml) and mix it in 2 tablespoons of boric acid (20 g). Soak a piece of bread in this mixture and place it in areas where you can see cockroaches.

Another option is to mix three parts boric acid with some sugar, and sprinkle around the kitchen or bathroom (in corners, cracks, behind furniture and so on).

Sugar becomes the bait to attract your prey and borax will kill it

Natural ways to kill flies

This insect is a terrible pest that lives where there is a trash can and transmits diseases. In addition to cleaning your home thoroughly, to prevent the flies from coming, there are some really effective home remedies.

Aromatic plants

Marigold and mint can help drive flies away if you place them near doors and windows. You can use fresh or dried twigs. The good news is that in addition to serving their purpose as a repellent, they also make your home smell amazing.

Etheric oils

5-Essential Oils

To make your own fresh fly net, you will need a small water bottle and a cotton cloth (even an old kitchen sponge or a piece of gauze can be used).

Mix 20 drops of each of the following essential oils in the bottle:

  • Lavender
  • Eucalyptus
  • Mint
  • Citronella

Soak the fabric by placing it in the container. Close the lid and leave it closed for a day. Open it in areas where flies are coming. You can preserve this liquid by closing it when the flies are gone.

Apple cider vinegar

It is used not only for its biting aroma, but also because it is naturally antiseptic.

  • All you need is a cup of apple cider vinegar (125 ml) and 20 drops of essential eucalyptus oil.
  • Use it on all surfaces you think. For example, you can use something on the kitchen table before cooking, or at the table where you plan to eat.

Herbal spray

This is a good option if you do not have any essential oils on hand.


  • 1 cup water (250 ml)
  • ½ cup alcohol (125 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons mint, lavender and citronella (20 g)


  • Bring all the ingredients to a boil for two minutes, allow to cool, then filter.
  • Pour the liquid into a spray bottle for use anywhere in the home.
  • You can apply this to any surface as well as your skin.

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