5 Juices And Smoothies Against Hair Loss

5 juices and smoothies against hair loss

In this article we will talk about 5 juices and smoothies against hair loss. Hair loss is almost taboo, especially for women. During the seasonal changes, people tend to notice that they are losing more hair than usual and these are also the times when we are experiencing the highest purchases of supplements to combat this phenomenon.

Juices and smoothies against hair loss

In this article, we will describe one of the most natural ways to prevent hair loss: By drinking juices and smoothies made with the nutrients the hair needs to stay healthy. At the same time you will be able to enjoy the good taste of the delicious varieties of juices and smoothies every day, so give it a shot!

An important remark before we begin

To combat hair loss, it is important to avoid using too much salt or dairy products. Because of this, these juice and smoothie recipes do not contain any of these ingredients. Instead, they are replaced with salt substitutes and milk made from vegetables, grains or nuts.

Smoothie made with oatmeal, cinnamon and nettle

The contents of this unusual smoothie may come as a surprise, but it has a really delicious taste.

The most important ingredient here is fresh stinging nettle, which you can pick up from your herb garden or even next to the road – always remember to wear gloves as the leaves “burn”. Stinging nettle has a high content of vitamins (such as A, C, D and K) as well as minerals (such as potassium, phosphorus and iron), and it is an ingredient used in many commercial shampoos.

In addition, oatmeal is a nutritious grain that helps promote healthy hair and skin from within.

Mix the following ingredients:

  • One liter of warm water
  • Four spoonfuls of oatmeal
  • A handful of fresh, green stinging nettle leaves
  • A spoonful of cinnamon
  • Two spoonfuls of raw sugar

If you want, you can strain the liquid to get a softer texture.
Always drink this smoothie cold.

Green smoothie

Red grape juice with honey

This well-known recipe is easy to make and even really delicious! You can get grape juice by using a blender or a food processor – if you use the latter method, it is important to remember to strain the juice before drinking it. Be sure to buy organic red grapes with seeds, as the seeds are part of the nutritional value of this fruit.

Season the juice with a little honey to give it sweetness.

Traditionally, it is recommended to drink this juice  every day for 30 days, as the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Red grapes contain  tannic acid, flavonoids, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B complex and vitamins C, K, D, and E. They also contain potassium, phosphorus and iron, as well as other minerals.

Grape juice

Green smoothie with brewer’s yeast

Green smoothies, which we have already talked about in other articles, are great for health and also help prevent hair loss due to their high content of vitamins and minerals. For just hair loss, we recommend combining the following ingredients:

  • Spinach:  It contains magnesium, folic acid, pantothenic acid and vitamin C, which all help in synthesizing collagen, an important part of the hair that helps the hair absorb iron.
  • Avocado: A very nutritious and “whole” food.
  • Spirulina:  Helps combat vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause hair loss and gray hair.
  • Brewer’s yeast:  This is a natural nutrient that contains even more B vitamins and a considerable amount of essential amino acids and minerals.

You can sweeten this smoothie with honey, molasses or agave nectar.

Mediterranean juice

This juice is made with traditional Mediterranean ingredients, all of which fight hair loss.

  • A ripe  tomato
  • Onions:  with a high content of sulfur
  • Fresh basil:  a powerful antioxidant
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • A splash of salt water

Let this juice cool and drink it before a meal.

Tomato juice

Smoothie with almonds, figs and cocoa

This smoothie will be popular with the whole family and provide us with especially large amounts of magnesium and zinc. It is very nutritious and contains lots of energy, so we recommend drinking this smoothie in the morning.

  • One liter of water
  • Two handfuls of almonds, soaked in water for at least two hours
  • A spoonful of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Four fresh or dried (and soaked) figs

Blend the ingredients together until they have become a soft mass. If the figs do not give enough sweetness, you can add a little honey.

What juices and smoothies do you want to try against hair loss?

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