Therefore Your Home Must Not Be Too Clean

It becomes an obsession when you start to miss things because you clean, such as saying no to family time or going out in the evening to be able to clean.
Therefore, your home must not be too clean

Most people love to have a completely clean house, without a speck of dust. But sometimes purity becomes an obsession and brings with it health problems. In fact, your home should not be too clean.

You need to be very careful with the products you use. Many of them are harmful and toxic.

Here are some of the reasons why your home should not be too clean.

When cleanliness becomes an obsession

Always must be done in moderation, and this also applies to cleaning. Many people think that you can not do too much cleaning, but this is not true.

When it comes to cleanliness in the home, many people take it to an unhealthy extreme.

It’s fine to clean often, but it’s going to be a problem if you can not stand a bit of clutter. Many of us do not feel our home is clean if there is just a bit of clutter or dirt.

Most of us are healthy and normal people, even though we may have an unrealistic idea of ​​how clean everything should be. At the extreme end of the spectrum, on the other hand, we find decidedly cleaning addicts who can think of nothing but cleaning.

There are also people who have an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This is characterized by an irrational obsession and obsessions according to doing a particular activity or job.

When it comes to cleaning, it can stem from an excessive worry of getting sick or infected. Thus, cleaning certain areas or surfaces (such as the kitchen table or table) and washing their hands becomes their way of dealing with anxiety.

Cleaning with yellow rubber gloves on

OCD is a mental illness. It should be diagnosed by a professional, and should not be used about people who just like to clean.

Here are some signs that you may have an obsessive-compulsive disorder:

  • You keep cleaning even when it is no longer dirty, for example in the bathroom.
  • Everything has to be in a very specific way, otherwise you will get it bad.
  • You clean even when others are using the space.
  • You perform rituals that you cannot skip
  • You can not sleep unless everything is perfect

Spending an entire day thoroughly cleaning your home does not necessarily mean you have a problem.

It becomes an obsession when you start to miss things because you clean, such as saying no to family time or going out in the evening to be able to clean.

Avoid harsh cleaners. They make the house too clean

Even if you do not see yourself in the above cleaning obsession, we still need to talk about another common problem in today’s home: the use of certain cleaning products that affect you and your family’s health.

When you hear the word “pollution”, you are probably thinking of waste or smog.

But even at home, you can harm the environment with your daily cleaning habits.

Also read: Homemade cleaning product to remove dust from furniture

Woman cleans with pink spray bottle

It is true. A typical house contains between 3 and 5 liters of toxic material in the form of detergents and fertilizers.

The most commonly used cleaning agents (detergents, bleaches, etc.) have many harmful effects, such as:

  • Respiratory problems
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Eye irritation

Detergents pollute the air inside your home (which can be up to 5 times worse than the air outside).

In addition, it is not uncommon to get rashes, nausea and burns from these products to help you keep your house clean and disinfected.

When they come in contact with your skin or lungs , cleansers can cause problems such as allergies or poisoning.

Do not forget harmful detergent, which affects your skin and gets inhaled into your body, even if you have clothes that are washed with it.

In addition, dishwashing liquid contains a substance called dioxane, which causes a great deal of pollution of underground water. It is highly toxic and is not as biodegradable as other compounds.

Also read: The 5 best cleaning solutions with baking soda and vinegar


Therefore, bleach is not the best detergent

Bleach is considered to be one of the most powerful cleansers available, but it is not harmless at all.

Since its discovery in 1774, it has been used to bleach certain materials and has been used in diluted form as a cleaning agent in the home for many years.

The antibacterial power of bleach is very potent.

But instead of considering it as your protector against microorganisms that can make you sick, remember that long-term use of bleach also affects your immune system. After a while, your body does not know the difference between good and bad bacteria.

In addition, bleach causes skin burns, eye and nose irritation, breathing problems and lowers the oxygen level in your blood.

It is especially harmful for children under 12 years of age. They may see an increased risk of sinusitis, pneumonia and bronchitis.

As if all that were not enough, bleach also disturbs the environment and pollutes the soil, water and air.

So what are you waiting for? Relax a bit with the cleaning and resort to natural products instead. It’s all worth it!

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