7 Poisonous Words To Avoid Using

Even though you may not believe it, toxic words not only affect those we say them to, but they also undermine our inner selves and make us feel less qualified.
7 poisonous words you should avoid using

Your language has a big impact on that behavior and how you see the world. Maybe you use a number of poisonous words in your daily life that bring negativity with them.

Therefore, we would like to look at some toxic words that we need to stop using. They affect what we do, how we relate to those around us, and also how we relate to ourselves.

Toxic words you should avoid using

1. “Strange” is actually a poisonous word you’d rather not use

When you define something as strange, you also define something as normal

“How weird is that” and “It’s so weird…” are some phrases that I’m sure you hear more than you should. This word manifests something that we are not usually aware of: our prejudices.

Every time we say that someone is weird, we assume that we are “normal”. When we say that something that someone does is strange, we are actually saying that what we are doing is what is considered normal.

But who is allowed to decide? We are all different, but we ourselves are more influenced by society than we think.

Stop using this word and open your mind. Everything is acceptable!

2. “I need you” is a phrase that can do harm

What? These words are used more than they should among couples trying to show their partner how special they are.

But under this word there are many affirmations that can be uncovered: “Without you I am nothing” “You are everything to me”. “What would I do without you?” “I love you more than life itself…”

To need another person to be happy is addiction, not love. But we continue to mix necessity with this pure feeling.

3. “It’s your fault” sounds negative and insensitive

Guilt can be a very toxic feeling

“It’s your fault” is a phrase we use a lot. It reflects the fear we have of taking responsibility for our actions.

This is one of the most intricate toxic words, but also one we spend the least attention on. This is because we tend to avoid criticizing ourselves. After all, we want to be perfect!

If you make a mistake, accept it. That is not bad; everyone makes mistakes. Do not blame another who has done nothing wrong.

Also read:

4. “Ugly” is a poisonous word that does not help anyone

As with the word “weird,” who then is allowed to decide what is ugly or not? Beauty campaigns and misleading advertising are full of digital retouches that show perfect bodies and faces.

If we open our minds and free ourselves from these thoughts, we will realize that nothing is ugly. Everything has beauty, everything has features that we can fall in love with or not care about.

So just because something is not attractive to us does not mean it is ugly. At one point, you recognized that everyone has different tastes, right?

5. “I can not” is a self-fulfilling prophecy and some of the most poisonous words

We often use poisonous words that can be limiting

Are you sure you can not? This is one of the most limiting toxic words that people unfortunately say and believe.

Everything is possible within your abilities. It’s just that sometimes you find yourself with your back to the wall and think you can not achieve, do or overcome anything.

You are stronger than you think. “I can not” is a negation that limits you. Change it to an “I can”, even if it’s hard to do. You will see how things change and your view of the world will change as well.

Also read:

6. “Hate” is an incredibly negative and toxic word

Hate is a feeling that causes a lot of pain, not only for those around us, but also for those who feel it. It is like a wound that continues to grow and hurt inside.

But this feeling is present in phrases like “I hate my job”, “I hate my family” or “I hate my situation…”

We may hate all of these things, but are we doing anything to change the situation? No. Therefore, we simply accumulate anger.

Hatred undermines you and fills you with bad feelings. However, you can free yourself from it right now. It is not worth continuing to feel it.

7. “Failure” is one of the most toxic words

It is only a failure when you stop trying

Failures have always haunted us, and just hearing that word scares us. But sometimes we still say “I am a failure”.

We have the false belief that failure is a terrible thing. Instead, it is an opportunity to improve, to make better decisions and most importantly to learn from what we did.

There is nothing wrong with failing. In fact, the opposite is true! Replace “I am a failure” with “I am a person who learns from every mistake I make.”

Do you use these poisonous words in your daily life? Being aware of this will help you stop using them. You can change this by replacing them with more positive words. You will definitely feel the change in your life.

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