7 Natural Ways To Quickly Get Rid Of Lice And Lice Eggs

Coconut oil is very useful in killing these pests. Its antibiotic and antiviral properties help prevent the occurrence of infections and fungus.
7 natural ways to quickly get rid of lice and lice eggs

Lice and lice eggs are parasites that feed on the blood of its host, and in addition to being extremely disgusting to think about, they also cause discomfort and severe itching or sores on the  scalp.

Children are usually the most vulnerable to this problem, due to the fact that it is easily infected in day care centers and schools.

Therefore, it is important that parents make sure to detect them quickly before they can spread and ultimately affect other family members.

In today’s market there are numerous hair treatments and cures that will help put an end to the infection and destroy the eggs, but most of  the products are loaded with harmful chemicals that can cause skin irritation or be too aggressive for use in children.

Fortunately, there are some very effective natural solutions that will help you solve this problem without risking your baby’s health, and at the same time beneficial to the scalp. Are you ready to find out what they are?

Eucalyptus leaves against lice and lice eggs

Eucalyptus leaves are effective in the fight against lice and lice eggs

The strong odor of eucalyptus leaves helps to remove these pests quickly, by changing the ideal environment in which lice and lice eggs thrive. 

How should you use them?

  • Add a few eucalyptus leaves to a pot of boiling water. Let it simmer for five minutes and remove from the heat.
  • Once cooled for a few minutes but still lukewarm, apply the liquid as a rinse to your hair, starting at the roots.


Rosemary is known to be one of the best herbs for hair care, thanks to its ability to strengthen the hair, slow down hair loss and keep it free from pests like lice and lice eggs.

How should you use it?

  • Put a few stalks of rosemary in a saucepan of boiling water and let them simmer for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Allow the liquid to cool, then apply it as a rinse from the roots to the tips of your hair.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar10

The acid in apple cider vinegar helps remove these pests and also dries out their eggs.

Note that in severe cases,  this treatment is unlikely to be 100% effective and is best used empty-handed in addition to other natural treatments.

How should you use it?

  • Mix equal parts  apple cider vinegar  and water and lubricate this liquid in dry hair, making sure to cover all your hair.

Lavender oil

Lavender oil may have a pleasant scent for us,  but for lice it is the most annoying odor in the whole world.

The strong scent of lavender oil, combined with its medicinal properties, can help you get rid of these terrible insects once and for all.

How should you use it?

  • Buy essential lavender oil at any health food store or herbalist, and apply a small amount throughout your scalp.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil

Another good oil for fighting  lice  and lice eggs while giving your hair the proper nutrition it needs is coconut oil.

This popular oil has antibiotic and antiviral properties that help prevent fungal infections and promote healthier hair.

How should you use it?

  • Apply a few drops of coconut oil to your scalp using a gentle massaging motion.
  • You can use this as a replacement for your conditioner as it softens the hair and gives it a soft look.

Tea tree oil

This essential oil is known for its antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties  that can reduce irritation of the scalp and provide relief from itching caused by these insect bites.

As with some of the above remedies, regular use of tea tree oil will reduce the appearance of lice in the hair while also preventing other problems like dandruff.

How should you use it?

  • One option is to add 15 to 20 drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo.
  • You can also apply a few drops to your scalp and use gentle massaging movements.
  • In any case, the dosage should be quite minimal because too much of this oil can damage your hair and scalp.


Garlic has strong antibiotic and fungicidal properties, and at the same time also a strong effect against insects and lice.

The high content of sulfur compounds creates an inappropriate environment for the reproduction and survival of these annoying  insects, and helps to eliminate them in the future.

How should you use it?

  • Crush a whole bunch of garlic and put them in half a liter of boiling water.
  • Let this mixture stand for at least a few hours, then strain the liquid and rub it into your scalp before bedtime. Cover your head with a bathing cap or plastic wrap and let it sit overnight.

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