6 Ways To Better Organize The Kitchen

Learn to distinguish the tools you use on a daily basis from those you use only occasionally. This is just one way to better organize your kitchen.
6 ways to better organize the kitchen

The kitchen is one of the spaces in the house that we use the most. Therefore, it is often also one of the most disorganized. When we make different dishes, there are always things left over that need to be thrown out, as well as utensils that need to be washed up. If your kitchen is disorganized, then this article is for you. We will show you 6 ways you can better organize your kitchen.

Many people dream of having a neat kitchen, every day, without any kind of disorganization that could interfere with its functionality. However, there are many people who believe that it takes a lot of work to achieve this dream.

Since we already have as many daily duties as there are, we tend to distance ourselves from ideas with extra work. Therefore, we do not take the necessary steps to achieve our goals.

In today’s article, we will suggest some ways you can better organize your kitchen. They are simple and easy: if you just add one of the ways, at some point, you will find that your kitchen changes radically in less than a week. 

6 ways to better organize the kitchen

1. If it has no function, dispose of it

white kitchen

Have you ever thought about the amount of cups, dishes, containers and other kitchen utensils that you have stored but that you never use?

It’s time to say goodbye, and start using your space more productively.

If you are one of those people who has trouble getting rid of things, then we will give you  two questions you need to ask yourself when considering whether or not to get rid of something:

  • When is the last time you used it?
  • When will you ever use it again, and for what?

Use vertical space

Both the walls and the inside of the doors on your wall cabinets can save space. You can put shelves or supports in which can hold the items you would otherwise never find room for. A good example would be lids for pots and pans. Things are also sold for organization that are specially made for this. 

Organizing items are also sold for other items, such as ladles and whisks… almost every culinary tool has its own place in the kitchen, thanks to these organizing options.

Take advantage of storage options

Right from the start,  keep in mind how much space you have  if you want to create an organized kitchen.

To help with this, you can choose one of the following storage options:

  • Open:  Having a piece of furniture or a shelf where you have room for spices or other ingredients is colorful and practical. Especially if you have beautiful glass containers to work with.
  • Folding:  Simply by opening a drawer and unfolding the inner tray, you will see all the materials or ingredients you have and you can choose what you need. This is, for sure, a great opportunity.
  • Rotating Shelves:  This is another great idea that can help you better organize your kitchen. It’s great for increasing the amount of space you have to work with. Especially if you have small closets.
  • Movable carriages:  Of course, one can not ignore the charming look and practicality of these multifunctional carriages. They are ideal for holding your tools and everyday items. And, when you are not using them, you can put the cart away in a secluded place, such as a corner.

4. Make use of organizing silverware

One thing that can really deter a kitchen from being organized is to open a drawer and see tons of disorganized silverware. To solve this problem, you can  use a styled tray for silverware so that each kind has its own place. 

This little detail will really help you create harmony in your kitchen.

5. Also organize small appliances

small drawers to organize the kitchen

How you choose to organize your small appliances will depend on your personal preferences. For example, there are coffee machines in silver that will have a dual function and be a decorative item in your kitchen. Therefore, it has two purposes and it will look even better if you also have a refrigerator and an oven in silver.

However, on the other hand, if you do not want to use your coffee machine as decoration, you should  keep it out of sight when you are not using it. That does not mean you have to put it back in its box, or store it somewhere else in the house. Just make sure it has its own place in the closet.

That way, you will always know where it is when you want to use it. At the same time, it will not take up your valuable space on the kitchen table.

Use drawers for everything

When it comes to your kitchen: The more storage options you have, the better. Of course, this means that you need to have drawers to store the following things, including:

  • Service
  • Garbage bags
  • Containers
  • Herbs and spices
  • Small tools

If you do not have enough drawers for all these things, you should  consider reusing boxes as storage. For example, you can use refurbished and painted wooden boxes for this task.

Another option is to  make your own shelves. 

With this, and all our previous suggestions, you will be able to better organize the kitchen, in a few days. It will not require a large investment or complex renovations. Simply use your creativity to make your kitchen a more organized and comfortable space!

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