6 Signs That You Have Intestinal Problems

Abdominal pain, abdominal pain and swelling are the primary indicators that you may have an intestinal disease
6 signs that you have intestinal problems

The intestines are a visceral organ found in the upper part of the stomach between the stomach and the rectum; it is part of the digestive system and is divided into two sections. Here are 6 signs that you have bowel problems!

The two parts of the intestines are the large intestine and the small intestine. Although they constitute the same organ and perform similar functions, these functions are very specific to each one.

The purpose of this organ is to process food that starts with the small intestine, where the majority of this happens; nutrients are absorbed by the epithelial cells, which in turn distribute them to the bloodstream to carry them to the other parts of the body.

This process ends with the large intestines; which absorbs mineral salts and water to create fecal matter, which is then expelled from the body.

Intestines: Important and fragile

Person with intestinal problems

Undoubtedly, the importance of this area of ​​the body stands in stark contrast to its fragility; although this tends to be the case with most of the internal organs. This fragility is related to the series of substances that travel through it.

Intestinal problems are more common than you might think and they are associated with digestive problems; The easiest way to detect this is by finding out where the pain is.

Abdominal pain, abdominal pain or swelling are the main indicators. However, there are other, less common signs that may indicate illness or bowel problems.

In this article, we talk about some of them.

Signs that tell you you have bowel problems

Sugar craving

The bacteria that reside in the intestines can often become unbalanced, causing problems associated with eating sweets or sugary foods.

The problem with this is that in the beginning you get an urge to eat these types of foods as usual, but as time goes on, you start to get an excessive urge.

Too much sugar can cause a number of health problems ; such as obesity.

Psychological issues

Person with plastic bowel in front of stomach

Many people may think that the intestines are very far away from the brain, too far to be connected. But the relationship between them is much closer.

Therefore, mental problems, such as depression, stress and anxiety, can be signs of an intestinal problem.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for making us feel good, calm and happy; it originates from the intestines or most of them. For this reason , your mood can be a warning about how your body is doing.

Excessive glucose

One of the most important functions of the intestines is to process food, which of course includes sugar; If there is a problem with this feature, this process may get out of control.

Excessive glucose is one of the main problems associated with this problem also known as high blood sugar, which is the basis of the disease diabetes.

In addition, metabolic processes can be disrupted and the energy conversion cycle fails.

Skin problems

Person who clings to himself on his back

There are many reasons why you may be suffering from skin problems; UV rays, chemical products, heat, cold, hormonal imbalance and more. However, little is known, but a real argument is that it is related to bowel function.

When skin tissue shows signs of acne or eczema, it may be a sign of an intestinal problem.

Acne is caused by changes in the bacteria that live on the skin; and these cause swelling and redness of the skin.

Digestive instability

Digestive problems may be the first sign that something is wrong with the intestines. However, this may be due to a problem with some parts of the digestive system.

As far as the intestines are concerned, this possibility should not be ruled out. It can begin with trapped air in the stomach, swelling of the stomach or diarrhea ; due to the alteration of the bacteria that protect this organ.

An imbalance in this intestinal flora can be due to a buildup of harmful substances that prevent proper absorption of nutrients.

Bad breath

Woman with bad spirits - you have intestinal problems

In connection with digestive problems, stomach function may change due to a bacterial imbalance in the intestines.

The gases begin to rise, arriving in the stomach, causing gastritis and bad odor, such as bad breath.

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