6 Foods That Should Be Avoided For Dinner

Pasta and rice have a high content of carbohydrates, and if the body does not use them, they turn into empty calories. For dinner, salads and vegetables are the best choice.
6 foods that should be avoided for dinner

In this article we will talk about 6 foods that should be avoided for dinner. You come home tired after a long day and pick the first thing you can find in the fridge,  heat it in the microwave and eat it for dinner.  Did you even notice what was on the plate? It is fine enough to do this once in a while, but it is important that this kind of eating habits do not become a habit.

Foods that should be avoided for dinner

Dinner is an important part of the day. Those who are on a diet  to lose weight know that it is essential not to skip this meal because it keeps the metabolism going and helps to nurture the overall health. However, it is also important to think about what to put on the plate. Some foods are difficult to digest so late in the day, while others can prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. Are you ready to know what foods to avoid in the evening?

1. Red meat

Red meat

All too often, we humans spend a long time outside the home and get hungry. You come home ready to cook a hearty meal full of good nutrients, which gives a good feeling of satiety. Therefore, it is common to make dinner with meat or vegetables on the side. Steak with garlic sauce, for example – a dish high in iron and protein.

Is it good for the body? Not at all. Just look at the  reasons:

  •  Red meat undoubtedly has a high content of protein, but it is difficult for the body to digest. Which means that your stomach will be active for a long time after you have gone to sing. This can cause sleep problems, like bloating, flatulence, or even constipation.
  • If you want to eat meat in the evening, you can try to replace the meat and eat turkey breast instead. If you cook it on the grill with a little lemon juice, it is even better for the digestive system. Turkey is also a healthy alternative to fatter meats.

2. Foods that should be avoided for dinner: Pizza


We know, everyone loves pizza. It is easy to make and an easy and quick fix for the last meal of the day. As most people probably already know,  most pizzas are made with refined flour,  have a high fat content and contain lots of calories, which will settle on the side legs, so the body has to work even harder to break them down.

Many people may think that it is healthier if you get a pizza with lots of vegetables. But  usually there is also lots of cheese and spices on the pizza, which will have a big effect on the stomach. Pizza is not a healthy choice for dinner. It is much better to save it for during the day.

3. Foods that should be avoided for dinner: Milk

Milk being poured into a glass

A glass of warm milk is a classic before bedtime. Due to the content of tryptophan in the milk, it gives a relaxed feeling in particular. In this case, it depends a lot on the individual whether one should drink a glass of milk before going to bed. For example, if you are used to drinking a glass of milk with a little honey, it may be perfectly fine for that person – but usually it is not recommended, for various reasons:

  • Milk and its lactose content are not easy to digest. There are many people who are lactose intolerant and cannot break down the milk properly. Beware.
  • Milk also has a high content of animal protein and calcium. Both of these substances are difficult to digest just before bedtime.
  • Warm milk can help you fall asleep more easily, but there are other, healthier options. Almond milk , for example, is much more easily digested in the last hours of the day before falling asleep. Try it at some point.

Foods that should be avoided for dinner: Salads based on salad


Salads based on salad may sound like something that lends itself, but today there are lots of different types of salads. Here we are talking about the salads that have a base of lettuce heads, such as iceberg or coleslaw. It immediately sounds like a good, healthy choice for dinner, but beware, because it is most likely not the best option in the evening. Here are the reasons:

  • Lettuce heads are delicious and easy to use in salads, but they have a high content of insoluble fiber, which can result in flatulence and bloating during the night.
  • All bodies are different. Some people can easily eat salad in the evening without any problems, so one should find out what works for the individual. In general, however, lettuce can easily create discomfort. A healthy alternative is to make a caprese salad with fresh tomatoes.
  • Another vegetable that one should be careful about eating in the evening is  celery. It also contains a lot of fiber, which is not the best option before bedtime.

5. Onions and garlic

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It is a good idea to limit yourself to these two, and only eat them in moderation for dinner. Eating raw onions or garlic for dinner can result in an inflammation of the stomach during the last hours of the day, which can end in constipation.

The same rule applies to very spicy dishes. They are delicious, but strong chili at dinner is like swallowing a Damocles sword. It can be super delicious tonight, but tomorrow you will be able to feel the consequences.

6. Rice and pasta

  • How about some delicious spaghetti for dinner? A little hot rice? Sometimes you can come home and feel like you are dying of hunger, and then a good round of pasta sounds absolutely perfect, but that is not the best idea.
  • One should always try to choose complex carbohydrates from vegetables instead of rice and pasta.
  • However, if you really like dishes with rice and pasta, you can add them to your evening meal in smaller portions. This helps control how many carbohydrates one consumes. Because at night they are converted into empty calories that the body does not burn properly. If you are a fan of spaghetti, rice or lasagna, it is much better to eat it for lunch! That way, you only need a little exercise or a brisk walk to burn those extra calories.

How often do you eat these foods that should be avoided for dinner?

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