5 Simple Steps To Effectively Lose Weight At Breakfast And Dinner

Did you know that skipping breakfast or dinner can cause anxiety? It also slows down one’s metabolism. The important thing is not that you eat less, but that you eat better.
5 simple steps to effectively lose weight at breakfast and dinner

Breakfast and dinner are important meals. One’s health and weight will be affected if one skips them. And it is not much different if one eats bad foods at these meals. Today we will talk about 5 simple steps to effectively lose weight at breakfast and dinner.

We should not forget that the best diet is one that keeps one’s metabolism going.

Because of this, our body responds to skipping meals. For example, when we do,  our pancreas needs to produce more insulin.

The problem is that by doing so, its ability to function may be impaired. It can even reach the point where one’s blood sugar level remains high.

Because of that, we will look at some options. These are very important for one’s eating habits, especially if one wants to lose weight.

In this article we will explain what to do. That way, you can  shed extra pounds while staying healthy.

Take care of yourself a little more while eating breakfast and dinner.

1. There are no scientific studies that show that it does not help to lose weight if you do not eat breakfast

We all know someone who has dropped dinner to lose weight.

It may even be something we have done ourselves. We did it with an apology, such as “I only want to drink a smoothie or a glass of milk. That way, my body will get used to eating less. ”

It is a mistake. We do not need to eat less, we need to eat better.

  • Breakfast and dinner are the main meals of the day. Between these two meals, our body gets no food.
  • Not eating breakfast means starting the day with almost no nutrients or energy. As a result, our metabolism slows down.
  • At the same time, persistent long periods of fasting can lead to metabolic syndrome. We also run the risk of getting diabetes or increasing our triglycerides.
  • We run the risk of increasing our level of anxiety. It happens when we do not take care of ourselves as we should or  if we skip meals.
  • To fight anxiety, we need to eat foods that are rich in fat to increase our dopamine levels. These nourish our brain after we have walked several hours between meals. Keep in mind that your brain will need carbohydrates and nutrients.
  • Skipping breakfast and dinner will change one’s metabolism little by little. It will  slow down one’s metabolism and make it harder for one to convert fat and therefore also to lose weight.

2. Breakfast and dinner rich in antioxidants

Foods rich in antioxidants

If you want to lose weight, you should take care of your heart health and strengthen your immune system. Do it! You can make all of this happen if you eat foods that are rich in antioxidants.

  • Your body will be as susceptible to these substances in the morning as it is in the evening.
  • The first and last food one eats in a day  needs to provide a large amount of antioxidants. It helps one to take  care of his liver,  cleanse and be sure one is able to digest nutrients properly.

Antioxidants help one’s body in many ways, such as:

  • Activates one’s metabolism
  • Fights free radicals that attack one’s cells
  • In our breakfast and dinner we will have to eat foods that contain antioxidants. These can be allicin, anthocyanin, catechin or capsaicin.

Here is a list of foods that are good to make a part of his breakfast and dinner.

  • Breakfast:
    • Fruits (grapes, apples, plums, bananas, blueberries, mangoes, papayas)
    • Lemon
    • Garlic
    • Green tea
    • White tea
    • Coffee
  • Dinner:
    • Vegetables (peppers, Brussels sprouts, carrots, tomatoes, artichokes, eggplant)
    • A glass of red vine

3. High-fiber breakfast, low-protein dinner

  • Meals should be varied, small in size and balanced. Some people like to eat a bowl of breakfast cereals and fruit in the evening. If you are one of them, you should keep in mind that this meal is more suitable for breakfast than for dinner.
  • One’s breakfast is better if it has starch in it. Some good examples include rye bread, toast and cereals such as oats or wheat.
  • One’s dinner should be a great source of protein. For example, it could be grilled chicken breast.
  • When trying to lose weight, keep in mind that it is good for your muscles to be firm, not sluggish. Proteins help us with that.

4. Time is also an important factor

An alarm clock

What time do you eat breakfast? At what time do you eat dinner? It is true that most of the time, we can not choose when we want to eat.

  • Work and commitments can get in the way of eating when we should. Changes in our eating plans can get in the way of our body’s needs.

That said, it is wise to follow these schedules as much as possible. Forms like these help us take care of our body and our weight.

  • Just getting up is not enough for breakfast.
  • It is best to drink a glass of lukewarm water right after getting up. Then wait for 30 to 45 minutes after getting up before eating breakfast.

That way, your body will be better able to convert accumulated fat.

  • Have dinner two hours before going to bed.
  • Do not make the mistake of eating too much and then falling asleep on the couch. It just helps one to put on weight.

What would happen if we changed our schedules so that they followed these plans? It’s worth giving it a try.

5. Not a little, but not much either: Be careful with stereotypes


Eating breakfast like a king and eating dinner like a poor man has a good breeding ground in reality. Again, we need to use common sense and be aware of and wise about the foods we should eat.

  • You know, breakfast cakes, fruit, juices, coffee, proteins, a bowl of muesli, etc.
  • What this means is that we need to eat more foods in small amounts. But they should be in balance. For example, in our (medium size) bowl of garden groats we can add some pieces of apples or nuts.
  • You can also use a little butter on your bread or a slice of ham. Add a cup of coffee and you have the perfect breakfast.
  • That means eating simple. It can be a soup with a bit of salmon and a small piece of bread with cheese.

The key is without a doubt knowing what to eat. We need to  listen to our body and not our emotions. Try it and see the benefits that you get from these tips.

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