5 Natural Deodorants Against Smelly Armpits

In addition to getting rid of smelly armpits thanks to ingredients such as baking soda, you can also stop the accumulation of dead skin cells, which darkens the area, by using these natural deodorants.
5 natural deodorants against smelly armpits

Deodorants have become one of the most widely used products in the world. After all, everyone wants to keep bad odors away. However, have you ever considered making your own natural deodorants?

There are many different brands in the market which have won consumers because of their efficiency.

The problem is that it has now been proven that  many of these substances can be toxic. In fact, some may be associated with the development of certain diseases.

Fortunately, there are 100% natural deodorants that  can neutralize odor without the unwanted side effects.

They can be made at home and their ingredients are very easy to get hold of.

Want to learn how to make them?

1. Natural deodorants with baking soda and corn starch

Canned natural deodorants

Baking soda is one of the natural ingredients that  can help get rid of smelly armpits  due to its antiseptic properties.

Here we combine it with corn starch and some essential oils to enhance its benefits and make it easier to apply.


  • 100 grams of baking soda
  • 100 grams of cornstarch
  • 4 tablespoons coconut oil (60 grams)
  • 1 Vitamin E capsule
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • 10 drops of lavender oil

How to make it

  • First, pour baking soda into a bowl and mix with cornstarch and coconut oil.
  • Then, when it gets a creamy consistency, add the capsule with vitamin E and the essential oils.
  • After that, pour the mixture into an airtight container. Make sure you  close it properly to keep the mixture in a good condition.
  • Use the amount needed to cover your armpits and  put it on with a soft cloth.

2. Natural deodorants with aloe vera and coconut oil

Both coconut oil and aloe vera jelly have  antibacterial properties that help remove bad odors.

In addition, both ingredients stand out due to their nutritional value, which protects the skin.


  • 120 grams of aloe vera gel
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil (30 grams)

How to make it

  • First, mix the two ingredients in a blender and blend until well blended.
  • Then take the amount you consider necessary and apply it to your armpit.
  • Repeat  twice a day.

Natural deodorants with baking soda and lemon

Natural deodorant rmed baking soda and lime

This paste made with baking soda and lemon does not just work by getting rid of the smell. In addition  , it also helps remove dead skin cells that accumulate in the armpit.

It acts as a  natural bleaching agent. After several weeks of use, the product reduces the dark appearance that usually occurs in this area.


  • 2 tablespoons baking soda (10 grams)
  • The juice from 1/2 lemon

How to make it

  • First, the baking soda is dissolved in the juice of half a lemon and  then rubbed on the desired area.
  • Let it sit and work for 15 to 30 minutes  and then rinse with warm water.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight  after getting it on the skin.

4. Deodorant with lemon and apple cider vinegar

The natural acids in apple cider vinegar are excellent for  neutralizing the pH of the skin and reducing odor.

Combined with a little lemon juice, it makes an excellent homemade deodorant,  which is ideal for all skin types.


  • 62 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 62 ml lemon juice
  • 62 ml of water
  • 1 spray bottle

How to make it

  • Put all the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake it so that it all mixes well together.
  • Then spray the required amount on the armpits and  allow to dry well before putting on clothes.

5. Deodorant with tea tree oil

Natural deodorants with tea tree oil

The anti-bacterial properties of tea tree oil  make it a great alternative to get rid of bad odor.

However, it is always advisable to mix it with a milder ingredient to avoid irritating the skin.


  • 20 drops of essential tea tree oil
  • 1 tablespoon rose water (10 ml)

Course of action

Mix the two ingredients in a bowl and place the mixture on your armpits using a piece of cotton wool.

Repeat  twice a day, three times a week.

Remember that even though the products here are based on natural ingredients,  it is best to do a little test before using them fully. Stop using them if you notice any kind of allergic reaction.

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