3 Basic Foods That Keep You Healthy

Our body tends to get acidic, making it a breeding ground for diseases. Therefore, it is a good idea to include these alkaline foods in our diet.
3 basic foods that keep you healthy

Our well-being starts with our inner health. The most important thing is to have well-balanced blood. Alkaline foods are an important way to maintain this inner harmony.

We have all heard of pH. This is the scale for base and acid. This scale goes from 0 to 14. On our website we have many articles that talk about the acidity that our body has.

The level considered a good balance is 7.4.

However, common things like stress, poor eating habits, and a polluted environment can change our pH level. As a result, we are beginning to see health problems arise.

To prevent this from happening to you, listen to what we have to say. We want to share some funds to take care of both your health and your pH. It’s easier than you might think.

This article will tell you how to do it.

Basic everyday foods

Lemon water

The basic remedies that we want to show you are easy to make. But it is important that you look for the best ingredients.

The lemons should always be organic. The same goes for apple cider vinegar. You should always use purified water for these remedies. You can find all these things in health food stores.

Purified water is better for you. Not only does it have a smoother taste, but it also has less chlorine and fluoride than other water. But if you can not find purified water, mineral water will also be fine.

We will not only share with you how to make these blends, but also the best ways to ingest them. Now let’s take a look at some of these everyday remedies.

1. Basic foods in the morning: Water with lemon, baking powder, and apple cider vinegar

This can seem like a strong drink to start our day with. The truth is, though, that we can adjust the amount of ingredients to suit our tastes. That way, we can discover all the benefits it has for our health.

It is important to take this for breakfast when our stomachs are empty. This means that our digestive system is more receptive and we can absorb more nutrients.

  • This will detoxify our colon and intestines and help with digestion.
  • By using this natural stimulus, we will remove toxins and help our lymphatic system.
  • Apple cider vinegar is great for reducing both hypertension and your triglyceride levels.
  • All three of the ingredients in this recipe are great for balancing our alkalinity. It means both separately and together.


  • 1 cup (200 ml) of purified water
  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon (5 ml) apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 lemon, squeezed


  • Mix baking powder, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice in a cup of water. If the lemon is too strong, you can, as we said, adjust it to your taste.
  • Make sure the water is lukewarm. This will make it easier to drink.

2. Basic foods before lunch: Water with lemon and pink Himalayan salt

water with lemon and pink himalya salt

This solution made from pink Himalayan salt is very healthy, medicinal, and a good digestive aid.  

To make it, use pink Himalayan salt. You can easily find this salt in health food stores. When you try it, you will find it irreplaceable.

  • Combined with lemon, this remedy gives us a good amount of vitamins and minerals. Among them, we find vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectins, and minerals that are important for your immune system, digestive system, and cardiovascular system.
  • Their essential oils also have great antioxidant effects. In fact, they control your weight and fight fluid retention.

Another interesting thing is that this drink can also reduce headaches and stress.


  • 1/2 lemon, squeezed
  • a pinch (1 g) pink Himalayan salt
  • 1 cup (200 ml) of purified water


  • The first thing we need to do is extract the juice from half a lemon. Remember that the lemon must be organic.
  • Then mix lemon juice and pink Himalayan salt in a cup of water.
  • Let it rest for half an hour. Then drink it before lunch or around noon. You can also take it when you feel tired or when you have a headache.

3. Basic foods for dinner: Artichoke water with lemon

Artichoke in water

This is an easily made alkaline remedy. In fact, we should try to make it every time we make artichokes. The remaining water after cooking this vegetable is full of good properties. It will really help our body if we can drink it.

  • Combined with lemon, this water is a great way to take care of our liver and reduce cholesterol.
  • This alkaline water is also full of vitamins. Because of this, it also helps us to control our weight.

Give this remedy a try!


  • 4 cups (1 liter) of water
  • 2 artichokes
  • 1 lemon


  • Start by boiling the water in a saucepan. Then add the artichokes and the lemon (cut into quarters).
  • Let it cook until the artichokes are soft. Take the artichokes out of the heat. Say the water.

When the water is cold, drink a glass before dinner. Just see how good it makes you feel.

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