12 Unique Ways To Use Tinfoil At Home

Did you know that tinfoil is one of the best materials for removing grease from the oven or burn marks from pots and pans?
12 unique ways to use tinfoil at home

Staniol is used to cover and store many types of food. This thin and flexible paper can be used to cover everything without any problems. Most people have a roll in their kitchen that they often use to cover food.

But its uses go far beyond covering food. Below we will reveal 12 of the best alternative uses of tinfoil that you can use to make your life easier.

1. Sand scissors with tinfoil

If your scissors do not cut like they used to, and you suspect they may no longer be sharp, take a piece of tinfoil and fold it in half several times. After it has gained a small thickness, use scissors to cut it into thin strips. This action will make the blades sharper.

2. Cleaning of silver

When you find that your silverware is stained, place a large container of tinfoil in front of it. Add warm water and a little salt.

Now immerse the silver that you want to clean and let it work for 20 minutes for the desired results.

3. Avoid heat loss

Wrap a wooden board in tin foil and place it behind the oven to prevent heat from being lost through the wall.

4. Clean pots and pans

Clean pots with tin foil

Curl a little tin foil into a ball and use it to scrub burnt pots and pans with.

5. Remove oven grease

Instead of using aggressive scouring pads, use a ball of tinfoil to scrub the surface off in greasy ovens.

Scrub with a mixture of baking powder and lemon juice. Let it work for 5 minutes and then scrub again with a ball of tinfoil.

6. Keep pie crusts from burning

When a pie is baked in the oven, it is quite common for the edges to burn on, while in the middle it has not been baked.

To prevent this from happening, cover it with tin foil before placing it in the oven.

7. Clean the iron


Over time, an iron accumulates a black layer of dirt that can ruin the clothes.

To make it look like new again, place a sheet of tinfoil on your ironing board and sprinkle it with salt. Move the iron around as if you were ironing a garment.

8. Keep food fresh

If you want to keep your bread, cookies and other baked goods fresh, wrap them in several layers of tinfoil as soon as you get home.

That way, they will be just as fresh as they came from the oven when you eat them.

9. Fix loose batteries

Sometimes the  batteries in toys and other appliances stop working because one end of the battery cannot reach the conductor.

To solve this in a few seconds, fold a piece of tinfoil several times and adjust the size to fill the gap and restore contact.

Make sure the battery is securely in place and turn on the device.

10. Clean the grill


To remove food debris that accumulates on the surface of the grill, wait until it has cooled and scrub it off vigorously with a large piece of tinfoil.

11. Highlight hair

Many stylists use tinfoil as an alternative to plastic caps when highlighting hair. The reason they do this is because plastic caps tend to break the strands of hair.

If you want to highlight a few of your locks, separate them and use the foil to cover them while the product is working.

12. Avoid rust on steel sponges

Staniol can be used against rust.

The moisture that remains in the steel sponges causes them to rust.

To prevent them from staining surfaces, cut a square of tinfoil and place the sponge on top.

Try to replace them at least every other day to prevent mold and odor from forming.

Now that we’ve given you a few ideas, we hope you can get even more out of this versatile material in your home.

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