10 Keys To Disconnect From Mobile Phone

Maybe you are also one of the many who have a very hard time putting down the phone.
10 keys to disconnect from the mobile phone

Using your cell phone can be detrimental to your health if it becomes an addiction. In this article, we give you 10 keys to disconnect from your mobile phone. It will benefit your well-being.

These 10 keys to disconnect from your mobile phone are very useful if you are planning to go on holiday, or just feel that you can not cope with more stress. It is no coincidence that many people have decided to go on “mobile detox”, at least for a few hours, to nurture their mental and emotional health.

The truth is that  cell phones can be so attention-grabbing that they prevent us from getting a moment of peace,  as there can be many notifications from social media, or work-related emails. That way, you keep getting messages even when the workday is actually over. This can deter you from enjoying your free time with others.

On this basis, several studies have emphasized that the use of mobile phones, as well as many other electronic devices, end up becoming an obsession, where one checks them compulsively and ritually, every other moment. In this article you can read how to counteract this.

Therefore, you should disconnect from the mobile phone

The vast amount of information that the new technology gives us creates new challenges for how we use it so that it does not become harmful to us. The new patterns of behavior that come with the use of technology are not always healthy.

Studies support this. New words simply emerge as technology evolves. There is, for example, nomophobia, an irrational fear of leaving home without his cell phone, which causes anxiety in those who suffer from it.

There is also a constant need to know what one’s contacts are doing, which is known as FOMO, or “fear of missing out” – the fear of missing something.

Therefore,  despite all the benefits of technological devices, it may often be necessary to learn to disconnect. Below we give you 10 keys to disconnect from your mobile phone, and help you on your way to a life without stress.

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10 keys to disconnect from the mobile phone

Your mobile can give you stress

Without being aware of it, you can develop an addiction to your cell phone. Therefore, you should practice some strategies to relax.

1. Keep only the most useful apps

This could be the calendar, for example. But remove those that only drain you and your phone’s battery for energy, because of their perpetual notifications. To choose which apps to keep or delete, you can think about how much you use each one.

2. Share the challenge with someone else

It could be your boyfriend, a friend or a family member. If someone close to you is also trying to disconnect, you may feel more motivated. That way, you can plan trips or charitable activities together, instead of focusing on the cell phone.

A really good idea is to have a rule  that when you are together outside the home, the mobile must be turned on silently. Then you can enjoy nice times together, and at the same time strengthen your relationship.

When you are constantly paying attention to your notifications, it can cause a worry that makes you overlook the exciting things that are actually happening in your daily life.

3. Avoid syncing your accounts when you want to disconnect from your mobile phone

Make a schedule instead. Synchronizing your work email will make it harder for you to disconnect. After all, there is always a customer who wants to get hold of you, or a problem you just need to solve. Use a schedule to get organized and leave work when you leave the office. Then you also get more time to enjoy relaxing.

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4. Put your mobile phone away

Woman enjoying a cup of tea

It is worthwhile to put the mobile phone away for some time. You can then spend that time on other things you like.

It does not have to be on the table when you eat dinner. You also do not need to have it with you everywhere when you are at home. Put it away and enjoy your food, read, drink a cup of tea, and spend some time on yourself. Keep in mind that if something acute occurs, you should probably find out anyway. You are not completely cut off from the outside world.

Set aside some time to use your phone

Of course, you always have something waiting to be fixed, or fixed. But try to use your phone only for a limited time, and then put it away. Just as you know you need to sleep for several hours, you can also set  a specific time period where you use your phone and then do something else.

6. Mute your phone

If your phone does not vibrate or beep, you can concentrate on other activities and be present. Your brain can focus on what you are doing without thinking about anything else. Therefore , you should regularly choose this solution, especially around bedtime.

7. Use a traditional watch to disconnect from the mobile phone

Do not use your mobile phone as an alarm clock. That way, you can wake up and lie in bed for a moment completely relaxed,  without feeling the pressure of all your waiting messages.

8. Do something else

Learn a new language, try to write a book, paint or engage in things you have always dreamed of. To achieve this, you need to disconnect from the mobile phone for a while. Some people spend hours exchanging jokes or news when they could have spent time on something they really feel for.

9. Put your mobile phone in airplane mode

Flight mode can be one of the methods when you want to disconnect from your mobile phone

Get used to putting your phone in airplane mode when you want to concentrate on other, important activities.

This is a good choice when you are playing sports, or focusing your attention on something else. When you are done, you can go out of flight mode and check what you want.

10. Turn it off

If, despite all the good advice, you still find it difficult to free yourself from your mobile phone, simply turn it off and think about how to use the device.


If you’ve used these 10 keys to unplug your cell phone but still feel you can not handle it, then maybe it’s time to talk to a psychologist. After all, you may be suffering from an addiction.

The most important thing is to keep a cool head. You may initially have difficulty freeing yourself from your phone. But slowly you will discover that you can live without it. Try mindfulness or yoga to get some peace of mind about your life. Remember that the most important thing is that you feel good about yourself.

If in the end you think you need extra help, do not hesitate to seek out a professional therapist.

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